7–9 Apr 2014
Royal Holloway, University of London
Europe/London timezone
Institute of Physics 2014 Joint High Energy Particle Physics and Astro Particle Physics Groups Annual Meeting

Charmless three body decays at LHCb

8 Apr 2014, 16:30
Room B (Windsor Building)

Room B

Windsor Building

contributed talk Flavour Physics and Beyond Parallel 2B


Rafael Silva Coutinho (University of Warwick (GB))


The study of charmless three body decays with final states including a $K^{0}$ meson has an extensive number of application. In this talk a review of the recent and ongoing analyses at LHCb will be reported. First, a search for previously unobserved decays of beauty baryons to the final states `$K^{0}_{\mathrm{S}}p\pi^{-}$` and `$K^{0}_{\mathrm{S}}pK^{-}$` is reported. The analysis is based on a data sample corresponding to an integrated luminosity of $1.0$ fb$^{-1}$ of pp collisions. The `$\Lambda^{0}_{b} \rightarrow K^{0}_{\mathrm{S}}p\pi^{-}$` decay is observed for the first time with a significance of 8.6$\,\sigma$, and a measurement is made of the $CP$ asymmetry, which is consistent with zero. Moreover, with the recent measurement of branching fractions of the `$B^{0}_{(s)} \rightarrow K^{0}_{\mathrm{S}}h^{+}h^{‘-}$` decay modes ($h^{(′)} = \pi, K$) with 2011 data, a number of developments have been performed towards the analysis of the full dataset. In particular, the details considering a time integrated untagged Dalitz plot analysis will be described.


Rafael Silva Coutinho (University of Warwick (GB))

Presentation materials