7–9 Apr 2014
Royal Holloway, University of London
Europe/London timezone
Institute of Physics 2014 Joint High Energy Particle Physics and Astro Particle Physics Groups Annual Meeting

The $N_2$-dominated scenario of leptogenesis

8 Apr 2014, 18:15
Room E (Windsor Building)

Room E

Windsor Building

contributed talk Particle Astrophysics, Current and Future Parallel 2E


Mr Michele Re Fiorentin (University of Southampton)


I shall briefly review the main aspects of leptogenesis, describing both the unflavoured and the flavoured versions of the $N_2$-dominated scenario. A study of the success rates of both classes of models has been carried out and I will comment on that, as well as on the incidence of corrective effects to the simplest scenario. I will then focus on the flavoured case and consider the conditions required by strong thermal leptogenesis, where the final asymmetry is fully independent of the initial conditions. Barring strong cancellations in the seesaw formula and in the flavoured decay parameters, I will show that strong thermal leptogenesis favours a lightest neutrino mass $m_1>\sim10\,\rm{meV}$ for normal ordering and $m_1>\sim3\,\rm{meV}$ for inverted ordering. Finally, I shall briefly comment on the power of future absolute neutrino mass scale experiment to either support or severely corner strong thermal leptogenesis. This work is mainly based on *arXiv:1401.6185*


Mr Michele Re Fiorentin (University of Southampton) Dr Pasquale Di Bari (University of Southampton) Ms Sophie King (Queen Mary University of London)

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