Matthew Ian Jackson
(University of Liverpool (GB))
Since its discovery a large effort has been made to improve analyses and confirm the properties of the Higgs Boson. At a mass of 125 GeV Higgs to $b\bar{b}$ is the dominant decay mode, however large QCD backgrounds prevent direct analysis, instead an analysis of Higgs to $b\bar{b}$ is considered where the Higgs is produced in association with a Vector Boson ($W$/$Z$). A brief overview of this analysis will be presented with particular focus on the $Z$($\nu\nu$) $H$($b\bar{b}$) channel. Common to other analyses where high $p_T$ jets are required flavour tagging is a dominant systematic in this analysis. Details of Monte Carlo studies helping to reduce these systematics are also presented.
Matthew Ian Jackson
(University of Liverpool (GB))