7–9 Apr 2014
Royal Holloway, University of London
Europe/London timezone
Institute of Physics 2014 Joint High Energy Particle Physics and Astro Particle Physics Groups Annual Meeting

Towards measurements of CKM parameters with loops and trees at LHCb

8 Apr 2014, 14:45
Room B (Windsor Building)

Room B

Windsor Building

contributed talk Flavour Physics and Beyond Parallel 1B


Mr Sam Hall (Imperial College London)


Elements of the Cabibbo-Kobayashi-Maskawa (CKM) matrix are accessible through a variety of processes. The Decay $B^+\!'\rightarrow D_s^+\phi$ is an annihilation diagram at tree level, which is sensitive to $V_{ub}$. While, contributions from the matrix element $V_{ts}$ are present in the loop level decays $B^+\!\rightarrow K^+\pi^+\pi^-\mu^+\mu^-$ and $B^+\!\rightarrow \phi K^+\mu^+\mu^-$. Results from LHCb for all these decays are presented.


Mr Sam Hall (Imperial College London)

Presentation materials