Gravidynamics (scalar-tensor gravitation) and the observed discrete mass spectrum of compact stellar remnants in close binary systems.

27 Jun 2014, 15:15
Conference Hall (IHEP, Protvino, Theoretical Division)

Conference Hall

IHEP, Protvino, Theoretical Division

National Research Centre "Kurchatov Institute" Institute for High Energy Physics, Theoretical Division 142281, pl. Nauki, Protvino, Moscow Region, Russian Federation


Prof. Vladimir Sokolov (SAO RAS, St.-Petersburg)


(1) There are two new observational facts: the mass spectrum of neutron stars and candidates to black holes shows an evident absence of compact objects with masses within the interval 2 - 6 solar ones, and in close binary stellar systems with a low-massive optical companion the most probable mass value (a peak in the masses distribution of black hole candidates) is close to 7 masses of the Sun. (2) In the totally non-metric field/scalar-tensor model of gravitational interaction the total mass of a compact relativistic object with extremely strong gravitational field (an analog of black holes in GR) is approximately equal to 6.7 solar masses with radius of a region filled with matter (quark-gluon plasma) approx. 10 m. (3) Polarized emission of gamma-ray bursts, a black-body component in their spectrum and other observed properties could be explained by the direct manifestation of surface of these collapsars.

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