Yuri Baryshev
(AI SPSU, St.-Petersburg)
27/06/2014, 13:30
In the history of cosmology the paradoxes played important role for development of contemporary world models. Within the modern standard cosmological model there are both observational and conceptual cosmological paradoxes which stimulate to search their solution. Confrontation of theoretical predictions of the standard cosmological model with the latest astrophysical observational data is...
Alex H. Blin
(University of Coimbra)
27/06/2014, 14:05
The scale parameter and the average behavior of the temperatures and densities of the main components of the $\Lambda$CDM universe are sketched, beginning after the end of inflation. The universe is treated as a perfect fluid. A model of dark energy based on conformal variations of the metric is briefly discussed. Darkmatter is assumed to consist of neutralinos, a LSP and leading WIMP...
Luca Marzola
(University Of Tartu)
27/06/2014, 14:30
Vladimir Sokolov
(SAO RAS, St.-Petersburg)
27/06/2014, 15:15
(1) There are two new observational facts: the mass spectrum of neutron stars and candidates to black holes shows an evident absence of compact objects with masses within the interval 2 - 6 solar ones, and in close binary stellar systems with a low-massive optical companion the most
probable mass value (a peak in the masses distribution of black hole candidates) is close to 7 masses of the...
Konstantin Modestov
(MSU of CE, Moscow), Mr
Yury Chugreev
(BITP MSU, Moscow)
27/06/2014, 15:50
Alexander Dolgov
27/06/2014, 16:25