Wei Chen
(University of Saskatchewan, Saskatoon)
24/06/2014, 16:30
Many of the XYZ resonances observed by the Belle, Babar, CLEO and BESIII collaborations in the past decade are difficult to interpret as conventional quark-antiquark mesons, motivating the consideration of scenarios such as multi-quark states, meson molecules, and hybrids. After a brief introduction to QCD sum-rule methods, we provide a brief but comprehensive review of the mass spectra of the...
Evgeny Isupov
(SINP MSU, Moscow)
24/06/2014, 17:40
A broad scientific program of exploration of nucleon exited states(N*) spectrum and structure is carried out in Jefferson Laboratory[1]. Detailed information of N* structure and spectrum opens access to fundamental mechanisms of strong interaction in the domain of large quark-gluon coupling constant resulting in formation of nucleons as bound states of quarks and gluons. The unique...
Andrey Sarantsev
(Bonn University)
24/06/2014, 18:05