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26–30 May 2014
Institut des Cordeliers - Paris
Europe/Paris timezone

UV descriptions of composite Higgs models without elementary scalars

27 May 2014, 14:30
Amphithéâtre Pasquier (Institut des Cordeliers - Paris)

Amphithéâtre Pasquier

Institut des Cordeliers - Paris

Parallel Session talk SuSy and other BSM phenomenology Composite higgs


Dr Tirtha Sankar Ray (University of Melbourne)


I will discuss four-dimensional UV descriptions of composite Higgs models without elementary scalars, in which four-fermion interactions are introduced to an underlying gauge theory like the gauged NJL model. When the anomalous dimension of the fermion bilinear is large, these interactions drive the spontaneous global symmetry breaking in the model, with the Higgs identified as a Nambu-Goldstone boson. The UV descriptions support composite top partner operators, also with large anomalous dimensions, thereby providing an explicit realisation of the idea of partial compositeness. As an example I will discuss the UV completion of the composite SO(6)/SO(5) model. Possibility of generalizing to other cosets will be discussed.

Primary authors

Dr James Barnard (University of Melbourne) Dr Tirtha Sankar Ray (University of Melbourne) Prof. Tony Gherghetta (University of Melbourne (AU))

Presentation materials