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26–30 May 2014
Institut des Cordeliers - Paris
Europe/Paris timezone

On the gauge dependence of the Standard Model vacuum instability scale

28 May 2014, 16:40
Amphithéâtre Farabeuf (Institut des Cordeliers - Paris)

Amphithéâtre Farabeuf

Institut des Cordeliers - Paris

Parallel Session talk Higgs Physics Higgs


Dr Luca Di Luzio (KIT)


After reviewing the calculation of the Standard Model one-loop effective potential in a class of linear gauges, we discuss the physical observables entering the vacuum stability analysis. In particular, the field value at which the effective potential turns negative (the so-called instability scale, often associated with the physical threshold of the "new physics") is a gauge dependent quantity. Such a gauge ambiguity is explicitly shown in the case of the Standard Model.

Primary authors

Dr Luca Di Luzio (KIT) Dr Luminita Mihaila (KIT)

Presentation materials