Andreas Heiss
05/05/2008, 10:00
Site Reports
We present the status of CPU and storage installations at the German WLCG Tier-1
centre GridKa as well as our experiences with benchmarks as acceptance test of worker node deliveries.
Mattias Wadenstein
05/05/2008, 11:30
Site Reports
An overview of the current state at NDGF along with some interesting events at the various computing centers hosting the distributed parts of NDGF.
Christof Hanke
(CSC ltd.)
05/05/2008, 11:50
Site Reports
A report about implementation of dCache at CSC as a storage element for the CMS-T2 centre.
Technical details about network, disk, monitoring and so on will be given. CSC provides for HIP some 100TB of disk storage for CMS-T2 and about 70 TB of disks with a tape-backend for the NDGF-Alice T1-centre. Internal and external network traffic is split on the network-level. The CE and the middleware...
Martin Bly
05/05/2008, 12:10
Site Reports
A report on developments at RAL since the last HEPiX.
Heiner Billich
(Paul Scherrer Institut)
06/05/2008, 10:10
Site Reports
Site Report for PSI
Applications, HPC, Scientific Linux, Storage and Network
Robert Petkus
(Brookhaven National Laboratory)
06/05/2008, 11:00
Site Reports
RHIC and USATLAS Computing Facility site report