14 January 2014
ESS in Lund, Sweden
Europe/Zurich timezone

List of recommended Hotels

List of Recommended Hotels:

Hotel Price Website
Concordia 995 www.concordia.se
Hotel Finn 1095 www.hotelfinn.se
StayAt 1225 www.stayat.eu/lund
Elite Ideon Gateway 1230 www.elite.se
Hotel Clarion Planetstaden 1295 www.firsthotels.com/planetstaden
Prices per night are in SEK.
Concordia & Stay At are the most centrally located. Finn and Planetstaden are right next to each other about 10-15 minutes walk from ESS.

Elite is a new hotel in the Ideon Science Park, also 10-15 minutes walk from ESS. Please check out the webpages above for further details.