Sylvain Reynaud
Many of us need tools for service monitoring adapted to our site specificities, or tools to do custom processing on user data. Regardless of the use-cases, we have to develop (or get developed) applications that aggregate, process and format data from heterogeneous data sources.
Lavoisier (http://software.in2p3.fr/lavoisier) is a framework, which enables building such applications by assembling reusable software components (i.e. plugins). These applications can then be used through a RESTful web service API, a web interface or a command line interface with little effort.
The Lavoisier framework is developed by CC-IN2P3 and used by several projects; the Operations Portal of the European Grid Infrastructure (EGI), the VAPOR portal, and some CC-IN2P3 internal tools.
The presentation will give an overview of Lavoisier, and explain how it can help to easily get a maintainable, performant, robust and secure data aggregation application, while focusing on business code.
Lequeux Olivier
Sylvain Reynaud