19–23 May 2014
Europe/Paris timezone

Lavoisier : a data aggregation framework

22 May 2014, 12:00
Auditorium Marcel Vivargent (LAPP)

Auditorium Marcel Vivargent


9 Chemin de Bellevue 74940 Annecy-le-Vieux FRANCE <b>GPS coordinates :</b> N 45° 55' 14.002'' E 6° 9' 33.998''
Basic IT Services Basic IT services


Mr Sylvain Reynaud (CNRS)


Many of us need tools for service monitoring adapted to our site specificities, or tools to do custom processing on user data. Regardless of the use-cases, we have to develop (or get developed) applications that aggregate, process and format data from heterogeneous data sources. Lavoisier (http://software.in2p3.fr/lavoisier) is a framework, which enables building such applications by assembling reusable software components (i.e. plugins). These applications can then be used through a RESTful web service API, a web interface or a command line interface with little effort. The Lavoisier framework is developed by CC-IN2P3 and used by several projects; the Operations Portal of the European Grid Infrastructure (EGI), the VAPOR portal, and some CC-IN2P3 internal tools. The presentation will give an overview of Lavoisier, and explain how it can help to easily get a maintainable, performant, robust and secure data aggregation application, while focusing on business code.


Presentation materials