Domenico Giordano
Helix Nebula – the Science Cloud is a European public-private-partnership between leading scientific research organisations (notably CERN, EMBL and ESA) and European IT cloud providers. Its goal is to establish a Cloud Computing Infrastructure for the European Research Area and the Space Agencies, serving as a platform for innovation and evolution of a federated cloud framework for e-Science.
CERN contributes to the Helix Nebula initiative by providing a flagship use case: the exploitation of cloud resources within the workload management system of the ATLAS and CMS experiments at the Large Hadron Collider.
This contribution will summarize the CERN experience in Helix Nebula during the past two years and the lessons learned in deploying applications from ATLAS and CMS with several commercial providers. The integration with the experiment framework will also be explained.
Domenico Giordano
Alessandro Di Girolamo
Bob Jones
Cristovao Jose Domingues Cordeiro
(ADI Agencia de Inovacao (PT))
Laurence Field