Suzanne Poulat
(Centre de calcul IN2P3)
After 20 years using a home made batch system named BQS (Batch Queuing System), CC-IN2P3 decided to move to Grid Engine in order to offer the scalability and robustness needed for multi-experiment production, HEP et non HEP.
The site migrated from BQS to Oracle Grid Engine in 2011, then switched to Univa’s version after only two years, in June 2013.
The talk presents the assessment of the change from Oracle to Univa and gives an overview of the configuration equilibrating user requirements and constraints of the site’s infrastructure, especially for multi-core jobs. Finally, plans for the deployment of new features are shown and requests to Univa are explained.
Nadia Lajili
(Centre de Calcul IN2P3)
Suzanne Poulat
(Centre de calcul IN2P3)