May 19 – 23, 2014
Europe/Paris timezone

Agile Infrastructure: an updated overview of IaaS at CERN

May 22, 2014, 2:50 PM
Auditorium Marcel Vivargent (LAPP)

Auditorium Marcel Vivargent


Basic IT Services Basic IT services


Stefano Zilli (CERN)


The CERN private cloud has been in production since July 2013 and has grown steadily to 60000 cores, hosting more than 5500 Virtual Machines for 370 users and 140 shared projects. New features have been made available this year like block storage and IPv6. This presentation will provide an overview of the current status of the infrastructure and of the plans for the next developments and evolution of the services. During this talk, different topics will be dealt with such as the successful migration from OpenStack Grizzly to Havana, the imminent upgrade to IceHouse, IPv6 ready machines and the metering infrastructure.


Presentation materials