2:00 PM
Joint Welcome
Robert Fleischer, Albert De Roeck
2:05 PM
LHC machine status
Mike Lamont
2:30 PM
LHCb physics programme
Marcel Merk
3:00 PM
ATLAS B-physics programme
Sagi Ben-Ami
3:15 PM
CMS B-physics programme
Andrei Starodumov
3:30 PM
B-physics theory overview
Ikaros Bigi
4:30 PM
Introduction to the HERA-LHC workshop
Albert De Roeck
4:35 PM
HERA Recent Results
Cristinel DIACONU
5:05 PM
Jet Physics at Colliders
Gavin Salam
5:35 PM
ATLAS Luminosity measurements and PDF uncertainty role on the LHC physics
Martin Boonekamp
6:05 PM
Expectations for QCD with first LHC data
Klaus Rabbertz