Alessandro Fabris
(Sincrotrone Trieste)
13/05/2014, 09:00
Workshop opening, practical information.
13/05/2014, 09:20
Welcome address by Prof. Giovanni Comelli, vice-president Elettra-Sincrotrone Trieste S.C.p.A.
Alessandro Fabris
(Sincrotrone Trieste)
13/05/2014, 10:00
Elettra Sincrotrone Trieste is a multidisciplinary international laboratory of excellence, specialized in generating high quality synchrotron and free-electron laser light and applying it in materials science. The main assets of the research center are two advanced light sources, the electron storage ring Elettra and the free-electron laser (FEL) FERMI.
This presentation provides an overview...
Hartmut Büttig
(Helmholtz Zentrum Dresden-Rossendorf)
13/05/2014, 11:30
H. Büttig, A. Arnold, A. Büchner, M. Justus, M. Kuntzsch, U. Lehnert, P. Michel, R.Schurig, G. Staats, J.Teichert.
Radiation Source ELBE, Helmholtz Zentrum Dresden- Rossendorf, Germany
In January 2012 the 10 kW klystrons of the CW LINAC ELBE were replaced by pairs of 10kW solid state power amplifiers (SSPA).
The talk gives an overview on the SSPA based ELBE RF system....
James Rose
13/05/2014, 12:00
The NSLS-II has completed early commissioning with the booster synchrotron utilizing a 80 kW IOT transmitter powering a 7-cell “PETRA” like cavity and the storage ring a 300 kW klystron transmitter powering an identical cavity. The 7-cell cavity in the storage ring will be replaced with a “CESR-B” like superconducting cavity during the May 2014 shutdown. Both the klystron and IOT transmitters...
Myunghwan CHUN
(PAL(Pohang Accelerator Laboratory)/POSTECH)
13/05/2014, 14:00
The RF system of the Pohang Light Source-II (PLS-II) storage ring is operating at the 3.0 GeV/300 mA with three superconducting RF (SRF) cavities. PLS-II RF system was upgraded to 3.0 GeV/400 mA(max.) beam storage from 2.5 GeV/ 200mA of PLS. Each high power RF (HPRF) station is composed of a 300 kW klystron with power supply unit, transmission components including a 350 kW circulator and load,...
Kerry Cozad
(Continental Electronics Corporation),
Michael Troje
(Continentaql Electronics Corp)
13/05/2014, 14:30
Tubes remain the most effective solution for 200 MHz Final Power Amplifier (FPA) design. An overview of design and manufacturing considerations of a 201.25 MHz FPA, built to Los Alamos Neutron Science Center (LANCE) specifications, will be presented. Precision manufacturing and assembly of amplifier components is critical for optimizing performance of advanced tube design, such as the Thales...
Alun Watkins
(Diamond Light Source),
Chris Christou
(D), Dr
Pengda Gu
(Diamond Light Source)
13/05/2014, 17:00
Diamond Light Source is a synchrotron light source facility that has been providing beam for users since January 2007. Diamond consists of a 3 GeV storage ring powered by two 300 kW amplifiers each containing four IOTs, a full energy booster also driven by an IOT-based amplifier and a 100 MeV linac using pulsed klystrons. RF performance and reliability are reviewed for all three accelerators...
Yoon Kang
(Oak Ridge National Laboratory)
14/05/2014, 09:00
SNS has been operating successfully and ramping beam power steadily to 1.4 MW the design power at 1.0 GeV beam energy. Availability of RF systems has been improved to ~ 95% over the years since commissioning of SNS. Improvements have been made in operation of accelerating structures, RF windows and couplers, and high voltage converter modulators (HVCM) for klystrons for powering nearly 100...
Douglas Horan
(Argonne National Laboratory)
14/05/2014, 10:00
Technical performance of the Advanced Photon Source rf systems from May 2012 to May 2014 is discussed. Significant hardware problems and failures affecting rf system reliability, and approaches taken to resolve them, are described in detail. System upgrades to enhance performance and reliability are described. The design and construction details of a 5kW S-band cw amplifier developed for...
Eric Montesinos
14/05/2014, 11:00
Description of high average Fundamental Power Coupler designed at CERN over the last 20 years. Main difficulties and power limitations. Some tips to propose better designs.
Nico Pupeter
(Cryoelectra GmbH)
14/05/2014, 11:30
A new technique was developed to increase the efficiency of very high power RF amplifiers (50 MHz to 1.3 GHz) at a freely chosen operating point. This improvement can be achieved for a large range of output power by a remote P1-point control. The choice of the P1-point of an RF amplifier is a compromise between increased efficiency vs. increased harmonics and decreased linearity. Typically,...
Jonathan Stampe
(Canadian Light Source)
14/05/2014, 12:00
The Canadian Light Source synchrotron has been using the CESR-B type 500 MHz superconducting cavity for over 10 years. This presentation will discuss operating experience with these cavities to date.
Patrick Marchand
(Synchrotron SOLEIL)
15/05/2014, 09:00
In the SOLEIL storage ring, two cryomodules provide to the electron beam an accelerating voltage of 3-4 MV and a power of 575 kW at 352 MHz. Each cryomodule contains a pair of superconducting cavities, cooled with liquid Helium at 4.5 K, which is supplied by a single 350 W cryogenic plant. The RF power is provided by four solid state amplifiers (SSA), each delivering up to 180 kW. The...
Michel Langlois
15/05/2014, 09:30
A 12 kW amplifier operating at 352 MHz has been designed, developed and built at ESRF. It uses a resonant cavity to combine the power of 18 home made RF modules. This is a prototype for a bigger amplifier which is currently under construction. The main features of this smaller version will be described, together with hopefully interesting considerations on manufacturing. The performances...
Jesús Ramón Ocampo Pérez
15/05/2014, 10:00
**Status and Operation of the ALBA RF System**
*J.Ocampo, B.Bravo, A.Salom, F.Perez*
ALBA is a 3 GeV, 400 mA, 3rd generation Synchrotron Light Source in operation for users since May 2012, in Barcelona, Spain. The RF System has to provide 3.6 MV of accelerating voltage and restore up to 540 kW of power to the electron beam. For that six RF plants, working at 500 MHz, are...
Eric Montesinos
15/05/2014, 11:00
A brief description of the two tetrode power plants of the CERN-SPS. Some statistics accumulated with more than 100 tetrodes over almost 40 years of operation. Some horrors that occured over the period...
Richard Nelson
(Jefferson Lab)
15/05/2014, 12:00
Designed as a 4 GeV electron machine, CEBAF was run at 6 GeV. Major upgrades implemented over the past several years increased capabilities to12 GeV. 80 CW RF channels of a new design were added to the existing 340 channels to achieve this energy. As previously reported, a new, higher power klystron design, new HV power supplies, plus new controls and interlocks were required. Deliveries of...
Gianfranco Trento
(Argonne National Laboratory)
15/05/2014, 14:30
Two of the Fiscal Year 2014 Radio Frequency (RF) Group machine operation goals are to maintain mean time between faults at 100 hours or better and maintain injector, storage ring (SR), and x-ray production availability at 97% or better. To continue to meet these goals, an aggressive approach was instigated to combat parts obsolescence and aging of the accelerator systems. The latest...
Khorshid Sarhadi
(Iranian Light Source Facility (ILSF), Institute for Research in Fundamental Sciences (IPM), Tehran, Iran, P.O. Box 19395-5746)
15/05/2014, 15:31
The Iranian Light Source Facility (ILSF) RF system was conceptually designed in accordance with the requirements for ILSF 3GeV storage ring with 400 mA beam current at 500 MHz RF frequency. The development of the solid state amplifiers initiated with the design and fabrication of two amplifier modules based on BLF578 and MRFE6VP1K25HR6 transistors and 670W and 540W stable RF power were...
Rodolphe Marchesin
(THALES Electron Devices), Mr
Stephane Bethuys
(THALES Electron Devices)
15/05/2014, 15:32
Thales ED has an experience of more than fifty years in high power RF tubes design and manufacturing, from klystrons and grid tubes amplifiers to gyrotrons oscillators.
This talk presents recent high power / high efficiency solutions (experimental results and designs) which are suited for the next generation of particles accelerators. Namely, one of the future large scale linacs main...
Cristina de la Morena
15/05/2014, 15:33
The IFMIF/EVEDA Accelerator Prototype (LIPAc) is currently under construction in Rokkasho (Japan). LIPAc will generate a 9 MeV deuteron beam at 125 mA current with a 100% of duty cycle, and it will serve to validate the final IFMIF accelerator concept.
The radiofrequency (RF) Power System, which is being integrated by CIEMAT (Spain) and its partner companies and institutes, consists of 18...
Woo-Kyung Han
(Institute for Basic Science)
15/05/2014, 15:34
RAON, heavy ion accelerator for rare isotope science, is under development for the Rare Isotope Science Project (RISP) at Institute for Basic Science in South Korea. Radio-Frequency Quadrupole (RFQ), a component of RAON, accelerates heavy ion beams from 10 keV/u up to 500 keV/u at the current of 12 pμA and the frequency of 81.25 MHz. For RISP RFQ prototype, a 15kW CW RF power coupler has been...
Hoechun Jung
(Institute for Basic science)
15/05/2014, 15:35
Four kinds of superconducting resonators (Quarter wave resonator, half wave resonator, and Single spoke resonator type 1, type 2) are designed and developed for the heavy ion accelerator the RAON. Resonators which have extreme high Q-factor 10E9 ~ 10E10, are filled up through coaxial RF power couplers of over coupling at 81.25MHz (QWR), 162.5MHz (HWR), 325MHz (SSR) respectively. Cavities are...
Nico Pupeter
(Cryoelectra GmbH, Germany)
15/05/2014, 15:36
A new series of solid-state RF amplifiers will be presented, which cover the frequency
range from 50MHz to 750MHz with an output power of more than 100kW. The amplifiers
are of industrial design regarding their space and maintenance requirements. They
have been designed for the operation of Cyclotrons, Synchrotrons, Storage Rings and
Linear Accelerators.
The specific design of the...
Eric Montesinos
15/05/2014, 15:37
Summary of the recent purchasing of the new Solid State driver Amplifiers for the LHC Injectors Upgrade programme. Technical Specifications description and offers from suppliers analysis.
Markus Schneider
(Paul Scherrer Institut)
15/05/2014, 16:30
This year PSI celebrated the 40 years anniversary of the Ring cyclotron. This is the main accelerator of the high intensity proton accelerator facility, where protons are accelerated up to 590 MeV. In several upgrade programs the beam current was increased from the initial design value of 100 µA up to 2.4 mA. The rf-system of this separated sector cyclotron consists of 4 copper cavities...
Bodo Fritsche
(Ampegon AG, Turgi)
15/05/2014, 17:00
High Power Solid State RF Amplifiers are being pushed in the market. With the latest generation of LDMOS transistors a high RF power per unit can be generated. Many of these RF modules combined in a single system is a serious competitor to the long established tube technology. Several solid state RF systems have already been realized and used very successfully for RF generation at particle...
Shigeki Sasaki
16/05/2014, 09:00
Over 15 years of operation of the SPring-8 storage ring, we encountered several
troubles in the RF system. Some of them will be picked up for the report.
As an example, we experienced the water leakage from the photon absorbers for
the synchrotron radiation to protect RF cavities.
The cause was found to be the pinholes created by corrosion of the absorber
water channel wall by the...
Salvatore Polizzo
(Brookhaven National Lab)
16/05/2014, 09:30
A new 9MHz RF system operating at 180KV per ring is required to increase the luminosity of low energy gold ion collisions at the Relativistic Heavy Ion Collider. In order to accommodate all planned collision energies each cavity will be required to operate between 8.7MHz and 9.4MHz while continuously providing 60KV of gap voltage. The proposed design includes a new capacitively loaded gap...
(RF group SESAME)
16/05/2014, 10:00
The SESAME ( Synchtrone Light Source For Experimental Since And Applications in The Middle- East) Accelerator consists of a 22 MeV Microtron , and 800Mev Booster and 2.5 GeV storage Ring .
Each accelerator has its own RF system. The Microtron RF frequency is 3 GHz generated by 2 MW pulsed Magnetron, including 41KV modulator works as power supply for magnetron , while the Booster and...
Morten Jensen
(European Spallation Source)
16/05/2014, 11:00
The European Spallation Source, a 5 MW average power, pulsed proton linac, will accelerate 62.5 mA of protons to an energy of 2 GeV. Each pulse is 2.86 ms and repeats at 14 Hz, resulting in a power-to-beam requirement per pulse of 125 MW of RF power. The split installation schedule means that existing, more mature technology is considered for the first part of the programme but for the later...
Alessandro Fabris
(Sincrotrone Trieste), Dr
Alireza Nassiri
(Argonne National Laboratory), Mr
Doug Horan
(Argonne National Laboratory)
16/05/2014, 12:00
Oral presentation
Workshop summary