13–16 May 2014
Elettra - Sincrotrone Trieste
Europe/Zurich timezone

Solid State Amplifier using a cavity combiner

15 May 2014, 09:30
Hotel NH Trieste (Elettra - Sincrotrone Trieste)

Hotel NH Trieste

Elettra - Sincrotrone Trieste

Hotel NH Trieste Corso Cavour 7 34132 Trieste Italy
Oral presentation SPC judgements Thursday morning 1


Mr Michel Langlois (ESRF)


A 12 kW amplifier operating at 352 MHz has been designed, developed and built at ESRF. It uses a resonant cavity to combine the power of 18 home made RF modules. This is a prototype for a bigger amplifier which is currently under construction. The main features of this smaller version will be described, together with hopefully interesting considerations on manufacturing. The performances measured with both CW and pulsed test conditions will be given. These data will be completed by a status of the bigger amplifier project.

Primary author


Presentation materials