AIDA - Academia meets Industry: Resistive-Plate Chambers and Thin-Gap Chambers

Prechtlsaal and Festsaal (Vienna University of Technology)

Prechtlsaal and Festsaal

Vienna University of Technology

Karlsplatz 13, 1010 Wien

During the event, the state-of-the-art on Resistive-Plate Chambers (RPC) and Thin-Gap Chambers (TGC) will be reviewed and the needs of the Particle Physics community and other research disciplines will be addressed. Discussions among industry and academia are prone to stimulate fruitful collaborations for the future.


  • Abdenour Lounis
  • Agnes Szeberenyi
  • Andreas Voulgarelis
  • Anna Di Ciaccio
  • Attanasio Candela
  • Brigitte De Monte
  • Catherine Brandt
  • Cristina Carloganu
  • Dezso Varga
  • Franck Bellelle
  • Franco Vivaldi
  • George Mikenberg
  • Gergo Hamar
  • Giovanni Burgada
  • Giovanni Mazzitelli
  • Giulio Aielli
  • Igor Rubinskiy
  • Imad Laktineh
  • Ivan Vila Alvarez
  • Jean-Marie Le Goff
  • Laszlo Olah
  • Laurent Serin
  • Livia Lapadatescu
  • Manfred Krammer
  • Marco D'Incecco
  • Marco Fabrizi
  • Martin Zeiner
  • Massimiliano De Deo
  • Nico von Duering
  • Norbert Herrmann
  • Paolo Ciucci
  • Paulo Fonte
  • Rinaldo Santonico
  • Roberto Cardarelli
  • Roman Poeschl
  • Rotem Gazit
  • Rui De Oliveira
  • Salvatore Buontempo
  • Sotiri Fragkiskos
  • Stefano Petrucci
  • Thomas Bergauer
  • Vaclav Vrba
  • Valerio Re
  • Wolfgang Treberspurg
  • Yi Wang
  • Zsuzsanna Tandi