SLHC-PP kick-off meeting

503/1-001 - Council Chamber (CERN)

503/1-001 - Council Chamber


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Lyn Evans (CERN)
The kick-off meeting of the SLHC-PP project assembles all participating institutes to discuss the scientific program with emphasis on ideas and plans for the first year of the project. The workshop is open to everyone interested in the international R&D effort towards the LHC luminosity upgrade. The morning of 9/4 is devoted to public overview talks on the SLHC physics, accelerator and detectors. The meeting comprises parallel sessions devoted to the work plans within the individual work packages, as well as plenary session where the program of work will be presented. A closed management meeting of the Governing Board will also take place. Participants are requested to register on the indico page. Registration is not required for the plenary presentations in the morning of 9/4.
  • Allan Clark
  • Bernard Laune
  • Blanchot Georges
  • Christian Wernli
  • CIAPALA Edmond
  • Dan Faircloth
  • Daniel Marlow
  • Daniel Gardès
  • Detlef Küchler
  • Didier Ferrère
  • Federico Faccio
  • Felicitas Pauss
  • Francesco Bertinelli
  • Frank Gerigk
  • Georg Alexander Fehrenbacher
  • Gerard Faber
  • Gijs de Rijk
  • Gilbert Guignard
  • Giovanna Vandoni
  • Howard Gordon
  • Jacques Lettry
  • james rochford
  • Jean-Michel Rifflet
  • Jordan Nash
  • Katja Klein
  • Kerstin Borras
  • Lucie Linssen
  • Lucio Rossi
  • Lyn Evans
  • Magnus Hansen
  • Marc Weber
  • Marcel Schuh
  • Mauro Paoluzzi
  • Mornacchi Giuseppe
  • Nicole POLIVKA
  • Nigel Hessey
  • Olivier Piquet
  • Paolo Fessia
  • Paolo Pierini
  • Patrick FASSNACHT
  • RAYMOND Michel
  • Richard Scrivens
  • Simon Canfer
  • Stanislav Pospisil
  • Stefano Michelis
  • Steinar Stapnes
  • Stephane CHEL
  • Tejinder VIRDEE
  • Tullio Grassi
  • Vedrana ZORICA
  • Wolfram Zeuner
  • yasar onel