Andre Schoening
(Physikalisches Institut-Ruprecht-Karls-Universitaet Heidelberg-U)
The hit combinatorial problem is one of the main
challenges for track reconstruction and track triggering
at high rate experiments.
At hadron colliders the dominant fraction (99%) of hits is due to low momentum
tracks for which multiple scattering effects dominate hit resolution effects.
Multiple scattering is also the dominating source for track uncertainties in
low energy precision experiments.
In such environments, track reconstruction and fitting can
be largely simplified using three-dimensional (3D) hit-triplets,
where the track uncertainties are solely determined by multiple scattering
effects at the middle hit layer.
Fitting of hit-triplets is particularly simple in experiments exploiting
a solenoidal magnetic field.
In contrast to track reconstruction methods based on the linking of single
hits or hit pairs (vector tracking) a triplet method provides full track
parameters and does not suffer from fake combinations as the 3D-triplet
fit is over-constrained.
Full tracks are step-wise reconstructed by connecting
already fitted hit triplets, thus heavily reducing the combinatorial
problem and enabling a fast track reconstruction.
The triplet method is ideally suited for pixel detectors, which allow
to treat hits as space-points.
With the advent of relatively cheap and industrially available
CMOS-sensors the construction higly granular full scale pixel tracking
detectors is possible.
Tracking performance studies for full-scale pixel detectors, including the
optimisation for 3D-triplet tracking are presented and compared to
standard tracker designs and reconstruction methods.
The potential of reducing the number of tracking layers and - along with that-
the material budget using this new tracking concept is discussed.
The possibility of using
3D-triplet tracking for track triggering or fast online tracking is also mentioned.
Andre Schoening
(Physikalisches Institut-Ruprecht-Karls-Universitaet Heidelberg-U)