14–16 May 2014
University of Pennsylvania
US/Eastern timezone

Bio-inspired vision sensors and processing systems

15 May 2014, 12:00


Prof. Jan Van der Spiegel


Biology provides us with a fascinating example of an intelligent, low-power, and highly efficient sensory system. With the advances in CMOS technology, it has become feasible to build microelectronic systems that mimic some of the key features found in biology. The presentation describes our work on neuromorphic vision sensors that include on-chip processing modeled after the biological system. This will include a retina-like imager, a focal-plane multi-mode imager and a polarizer imager. If time permits we will give a brief overview of a wireless Brain-Machine-Brain Interface (BMBI) system whose purpose is to effectively link the brain to external hardware to create new sensory and motor pathways for persons suffering from neurological disorders.

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