5–7 May 2014
University of Pittsburgh
US/Eastern timezone

Displaced Axinos at LHC

5 May 2014, 18:00
Benedum Hall G31 (University of Pittsburgh)

Benedum Hall G31

University of Pittsburgh


Christopher Redino (SUNY at Buffalo)


SUSY models with a modified dark sector require constraints to be reinterpreted, which may allow for scenarios with low tuning. A modified dark sector can also change the phenomenology greatly. The addition of the QCD axion to the MSSM solves the strong CP problem and also modifies the dark sector with new dark matter candidates. This talk describes scenarios where the axion's superpartner, the axino may be detectable at the LHC in the decays of neutralinos displaced from the primary vertex. Distinguishing this scenario from other models with displaced decays to dark matter is discussed.

Primary author

Christopher Redino (SUNY at Buffalo)

Presentation materials