12:45 PM
--- Lunch ---
2:00 PM
B Physics I
Gil Paz
(Wayne State University)
(until 4:00 PM)
(Benedum Hall G27)
2:00 PM
Charm mixing and CP violation
Adam Davis
(University of Cincinnati (US))
(Benedum Hall G27)
2:15 PM
Measurement of CP violation in the Bs system
Mirco Dorigo
(Ecole Polytechnique Federale de Lausanne (CH))
(Benedum Hall G27)
2:30 PM
Studies of charmless B decays
Jessica Prisciandaro
(Ecole Polytechnique Federale de Lausanne (CH))
(Benedum Hall G27)
2:45 PM
Physics with B to open charm decays
- Ms
Charlotte Wallace
(University of Warwick (GB))
(Benedum Hall G27)
3:00 PM
Physics with the Bc meson
- Mr
Jacco de Vries (on behalf of the LHCb Collaboration)
(Benedum Hall G27)
3:15 PM
Beauty in ATLAS: New physics searches, spectroscopy and decay properties of B-hadrons
Hok Chuen Cheng
(University of Michigan (US))
(Benedum Hall G27)
3:30 PM
Radiative decays at LHCb
Mostafa on behalf of the LHCb collaboration HOBALLAH
(Benedum Hall G27)
3:45 PM
Semileptonic decay of $B_s$ into $D_s$ mesons near zero recoil from LQCD.
- Mrs
Mariam Atoui
(Benedum Hall G27)
2:00 PM
Seong Youl Choi
(Chonbuk National University)
(until 4:00 PM)
(Benedum Hall G30)
2:00 PM
News in Two-Higgs Doublet Models
Jack Gunion
(University of California Davis (US))
(Benedum Hall G30)
2:30 PM
2HDM Fate after LHC 8
(UC Davis)
(Benedum Hall G30)
2:45 PM
MSSM Corrections to Higgs Self-Couplings
Ryan Gavin
(Paul Scherrer Institut)
(Benedum Hall G30)
3:00 PM
Measuring the 2HDM Scalar Potential: hH Associated Production
Andrea Peterson
(University of Wisconsin - Madison)
(Benedum Hall G30)
3:15 PM
A Higgs Discovery via Exotic Higgs Decays
Felix Kling
(University of Arizona)
(Benedum Hall G30)
3:30 PM
Flavor violating decays of the Neutral Higgs bosons at the LHC
Baris Altunkaynak
(University of Oklahoma)
(Benedum Hall G30)
3:45 PM
Higgcision in the two-Higgs doubelt models
- Dr
Po-Yen Tseng
(Benedum Hall G30)
2:00 PM
Dark Matter III
Jennifer Kile
(until 4:00 PM)
(Benedum Hall G31)
2:00 PM
Dark Matter at Colliders
LianTao Wang
(University of Chicago)
(Benedum Hall G31)
2:30 PM
Collider Searches for Dark Matter in the Mono-Everything Search Channels
Linda Carpenter
(Ohio State University)
(Benedum Hall G31)
2:45 PM
Mono-Higgs Detection of Dark Matter at the LHC
Asher Berlin
(University of Chicago)
(Benedum Hall G31)
3:00 PM
A Probe of Dark Sector Dynamics at the LHC
Reinard Primulando
(Johns Hopkins University)
(Benedum Hall G31)
3:15 PM
Looking for a Light Nonthermal Dark Matter at the LHC
Yu Gao
(University of Texas A & M)
(Benedum Hall G31)
3:30 PM
Loop Effects of an Effective Dark Matter Model on Dilepton Production
Nirmal Raj
(Benedum Hall G31)
3:45 PM
The Dark Z' Portal: Direct, Indirect and Collider Searches
- Dr
Farinaldo Queiroz
(University of California Santa Cruz)
(Benedum Hall G31)
2:00 PM
Electroweak +
Matthew Baumgart
(Carnegie Mellon University)
(until 4:00 PM)
(Benedum Hall G28)
2:00 PM
W+jets and Z+jets cross-section measurements at CMS.
Darin Carl Baumgartel
(Northeastern University (US), The CMS Collaboration)
(Benedum Hall G28)
2:15 PM
Neutral vector boson production in pp and pA collisions at hadron colliders
- Mr
Bowen Wang
(Benedum Hall G28)
2:30 PM
ATLAS measurements of vector boson production
Christian Gutschow
(University College London (UK))
(Benedum Hall G28)
2:45 PM
Recent electroweak results from ATLAS
Haolu Feng
(University of Michigan (US))
(Benedum Hall G28)
3:00 PM
Nuclear corrections to Vector Boson production at the LHC
- Mr
David Clark
(Benedum Hall G28)
3:15 PM
Exclusive W decay in Effective Field Theory
Aditya Yechan Gunja
(Wayne State University)
(Benedum Hall G28)
3:30 PM
Collider signature and Astrophysics Constraint of Goldstone Bosons.
- Prof.
Wai-Yee Keung
(University of Illinois at Chicago)
(Benedum Hall G28)
3:45 PM
BSM Higgs Decoupling Scenarios in light of Unitarity Constraints
Kunal Kumar
(Carleton University)
(Benedum Hall G28)
2:00 PM
SUSY III & Tools
Arjun Menon
(University of Oregon)
(until 4:00 PM)
(Benedum Hall G29)
2:00 PM
Supersymmetric Crevices: Missing Signatures of RPV at the LHC
Prashant Saraswat
(University of Maryland and Johns Hopkins University)
(Benedum Hall G29)
2:15 PM
Searches for supersymmetry in resonance production, R-parity violating signatures and events with long-lived particles with the ATLAS detector
Allan Kenneth Lehan
(University of Liverpool (GB))
(Benedum Hall G29)
2:30 PM
Simultaneous B and L-Violation in the MSSM
Bob Zheng
(University of Michigan)
(Benedum Hall G29)
2:45 PM
Search for 3rd generation LQs and RPV stops
Kevin Pedro
(University of Maryland (US))
(Benedum Hall G29)
3:00 PM
CheckMATE: Confronting your Favourite New Physics Model with LHC Data
Jamie Tattersall
(University of Heidelberg)
(Benedum Hall G29)
3:15 PM
MadMax - tracking regions of significance
Peter Schichtel
(Heidelberg University)
(Benedum Hall G29)
3:30 PM
Optimized Model-Independent Searches Using Matrix Element Ranking
James Gainer
(University of Florida (US))
(Benedum Hall G29)
3:45 PM
AEACuS (Algorithmic Event Arbiter and Cut Selector) : A Universal Meta Language for Specifying Event Selection Cuts
- Prof.
Joel Walker
(Sam Houston State University)
(Benedum Hall G29)
2:00 PM
Top Physics
Jared Evans
(until 4:00 PM)
(Benedum Hall G26)
2:00 PM
Measurement of top quark pair production cross section with the ATLAS detector at LHC
Lukas Alexander Heinrich
(New York University (US))
(Benedum Hall G26)
2:15 PM
Measurement of single top quark production with the ATLAS detector at LHC
- Mr
Jun Su
(Benedum Hall G26)
2:30 PM
Single top quark production with CMS
Daniel Noonan
(University of Kansas (US))
(Benedum Hall G26)
2:45 PM
Top Properties (including mass) at CMS
Yanjun Tu
(Univ. of California San Diego (US))
(Benedum Hall G26)
3:00 PM
Measurement of properties of the top quark with the ATLAS detector at LHC
Olga Bylund
(Stockholm University)
(Benedum Hall G26)
3:15 PM
Effective field theory for top quark physics at NLO accuracy
Cen Zhang
(CP3 Université catholique de Louvain)
(Benedum Hall G26)
3:30 PM
Searches for BSM physics involving top quarks at the CMS experiment
Eleni Petrakou
(National Taiwan University (TW))
(Benedum Hall G26)
3:45 PM
Angular Distributions as Lifetime Probes
Jeff Dror
(Cornell University)
(Benedum Hall G26)
4:00 PM
--- Coffee Break ---
4:30 PM
B Physics II & BSM
Joachim Brod
(TU Munich)
(until 6:30 PM)
(Benedum Hall G27)
4:30 PM
Mass and lifetime measurements of heavy flavour hadrons
Adrian Andrew Pritchard
(University of Liverpool (GB))
(Benedum Hall G27)
4:45 PM
Physics with b-baryons at LHCb
James Mccarthy
(University of Birmingham (GB))
(Benedum Hall G27)
5:00 PM
Isospin violation in the yield of S-wave heavy meson pairs near threshold
- Mr
Xin Li
(School of Physics and Astronomy, University of Minnesota)
(Benedum Hall G27)
5:15 PM
Electroweak penguin decays to leptons at LHCb
Peter Noel Griffith
(University of Birmingham (GB))
(Benedum Hall G27)
5:30 PM
A Swarm of Bs
Jared Evans
(Benedum Hall G27)
5:45 PM
Difficult BSM Signatures at the LHC
Matthew Buckley
(Benedum Hall G27)
6:00 PM
Model independent extraction of the proton magnetic radius from electron scattering
- Prof.
Gil Paz
(Wayne State University)
(Benedum Hall G27)
6:15 PM
New Limits on Light Hidden Sectors from Fixed-Target Experiments
Andrew Spray
(CoEPP, University of Melbourne)
(Benedum Hall G27)
4:30 PM
Jessica Goodman
(until 6:30 PM)
(Benedum Hall G28)
4:30 PM
Search for heavy resonances with the ATLAS detector
Katherine Pachal
(University of Oxford (GB))
(Benedum Hall G28)
4:45 PM
Distinguishing Flavor Non-universal Color-singlet and Color-octet Vector Resonances at the LHC
Pawin Ittisamai
(Michigan State University)
(Benedum Hall G28)
5:00 PM
Search for massive resonances decaying to charged lepton pairs at CMS
Andreas Guth
(Rheinisch-Westfaelische Tech. Hoch. (DE))
(Benedum Hall G28)
5:15 PM
Searches for vector-like quarks, tt and tb resonances with the ATLAS detector
Nicolas Gilberto Gutierrez Ortiz
(University of Glasgow (GB))
(Benedum Hall G28)
5:30 PM
Constraints on cosmological parameters from Planck and BICEP2 data
Luis Anchordoqui
(Benedum Hall G28)
5:45 PM
New W-prime signals at the LHC
Natascia Vignaroli
(Michigan State University)
(Benedum Hall G28)
6:00 PM
Searches for New Physics in Events with Multiple Leptons with the ATLAS Detector
Anthony David Hawkins
(Lunds Universitet)
(Benedum Hall G28)
6:15 PM
Effective operators for coupling adjoint scalar fields to SM gauge bosons
Russell Colburn
(Benedum Hall G28)
4:30 PM
BSM Higgs IV
Ryan Gavin
(Paul Scherrer Institut)
(until 6:30 PM)
(Benedum Hall G30)
4:30 PM
Beyond-the-Standard Model Higgs Physics using the ATLAS Experiment
Daniel Pelikan
(Uppsala University (SE))
(Benedum Hall G30)
4:45 PM
LHC search for di-Higgs decays of stoponium and other scalars in events with two photons and two bottom jets
- Ms
Nilanjana Kumar
(Ph.D student)
(Benedum Hall G30)
5:00 PM
Effective Lagrangians for Higgs Physics
- Mr
Tyler Corbett
(YITP Stony Brook)
(Benedum Hall G30)
5:15 PM
Anatomizing Exotic Production of the Higgs Boson
Felix Yu
(Benedum Hall G30)
5:30 PM
OPE Methods for the Holomorphic Higgs Portal
- Dr
Piyush Kumar
(Yale University)
(Benedum Hall G30)
5:45 PM
Catching a Bouncing Higgs With Tops
Joseph Bramante
(University of Notre Dame)
(Benedum Hall G30)
6:00 PM
Seeking Lorentz violation from the Higgs
Gustavo Marques Tavares
(Boston University)
(Benedum Hall G30)
6:15 PM
Phenomenology of the minimal classically scale invariant Higgs sector
- Dr
Arsham Farzinnia
(Tsinghua University)
(Benedum Hall G30)
4:30 PM
Dark Matter IV
Reinard Primulando
(Johns Hopkins University)
(until 6:30 PM)
(Benedum Hall G31)
4:30 PM
Leptonically-flavored Dark Matter
Jennifer Kile
(Benedum Hall G31)
4:45 PM
Leptophilic Dark Matter and the Magnetic Moment of the Muon
Christopher Verhaaren
(Benedum Hall G31)
5:00 PM
Searching for Sub-GeV Dark Matter at Fixed Target Neutrino Experiments
- Mr
Patrick deNiverville
(University of Victoria)
(Benedum Hall G31)
5:15 PM
Decaying Dark Matter and IceCube TeV-PeV neutrinos
Ran Lu
(Benedum Hall G31)
5:30 PM
Predicting the Mass of the Dark Matter Particle
- Prof.
Stephen Barr
(University of Delaware)
(Benedum Hall G31)
5:45 PM
Parallel Universe, Dark Matter and Invisible Higgs Decays
- Prof.
S. Nandi
(Oklahoma State University)
(Benedum Hall G31)
6:00 PM
Dark Sector Mass Relations from RG Focusing
Jack Kearney
(University of Michigan)
(Benedum Hall G31)
6:15 PM
Searches for dark matter and extra dimensions with the ATLAS detector
- Mr
Chase Shimmin
(UC Irvine)
(Benedum Hall G31)
4:30 PM
Gregory Mahlon
(until 6:30 PM)
(Benedum Hall G26)
4:30 PM
Recent QCD results from ATLAS
Houry Keoshkerian
(Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (FR))
(Benedum Hall G26)
4:45 PM
Jet Radiation Radius
Zhenyu Han
(University of Oregon)
(Benedum Hall G26)
5:00 PM
A new tool for jet definitions at high luminosity
Daniel Duffty
(Illinois Institute of Technology)
(Benedum Hall G26)
5:15 PM
HERAFITTER: an open source QCD fit program.
Alexander Glazov
(Deutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron (DE))
(Benedum Hall G26)
5:30 PM
QCD measurements in the forward region
Marco Meissner
(Ruprecht-Karls-Universitaet Heidelberg (DE))
(Benedum Hall G26)
5:45 PM
Quarkonia production at LHCb
Maddalena Frosini
(Universita e INFN (IT))
(Benedum Hall G26)
6:00 PM
Production of Quarkonium States at the ATLAS Experiment
Benjamin Weinert
(Indiana University (US))
(Benedum Hall G26)
6:15 PM
Quarkonia and quarkonia-like spectroscopy at LHCb
Maddalena Frosini
(Universita e INFN (IT))
(Benedum Hall G26)
4:30 PM
Peisi Huang
(until 6:30 PM)
(Benedum Hall G29)
4:30 PM
SUSY at the LHC
- Prof.
Xerxes Tata
(University of Hawaii)
(Benedum Hall G29)
5:00 PM
The LHC confronts the pMSSM
Matthew Cahill-Rowley
(Benedum Hall G29)
5:15 PM
Searching for the Compressed Spectrum of Natural Supersymmetry
Arjun Menon
(University of Oregon)
(Benedum Hall G29)
5:30 PM
LHC signatures of Natural SUSY
Azar Mustafayev
(University of Hawaii)
(Benedum Hall G29)
5:45 PM
Searches for associated Higgs production
Anthony Barker
(Rutgers, State Univ. of New Jersey (US))
(Benedum Hall G29)
6:00 PM
PQ Symmetric Pure Gravity Mediation
- Dr
Jason Evans
(University of Minnesota/FTPI)
(Benedum Hall G29)
6:15 PM
Beyond Simplified Models: Constraining Supersymmetry on Triangles
Archana Anandakrishnan
(The Ohio state University)
(Benedum Hall G29)
8:00 PM
Particle Fever
(until 10:00 PM)
(Alumni Hall 7th Floor Auditorium)