24 August 2014 to 6 September 2014
University of Minho and LIP
Europe/Lisbon timezone

Tools and Techniques - Lecture 2

25 Aug 2014, 15:00
University of Minho and LIP

University of Minho and LIP

Braga, Portugal


Robert Jacobsen (Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory (LBNL))


Tools for Collaboration HEP software is built by huge teams. How can this be done effectively, while still giving people satisfying tasks to perform? This lecture discusses some of the technical approaches used. Source control (e.g. SVN, Git) tools are becoming common. We discuss the different ways they can be used with their advantages and disadvantages. We then address the larger area of release control techniques (e.g. CMT, CMake) and release testing & distribution. Our focus on why is this considered a hard problem, and what the current issues are when dealing with it. We close with a summary of observations.

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