Lucio Anderlini
(Laboratoire d'Annecy de Physique de Particules)
- Speaker at Non-parametric density estimation
Vincent Alexander Croft
(Radboud University Nijmegen (NL))
- Speaker at Clustering
- Antonio Cunha
Francois Fluckiger
- Speaker at Networking Performance - Lecture 2
- Raphael Marius Friese (KIT - Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (DE))
- Jose Mariano Gago
Benedikt Hegner
- Speaker at Software Design in Many-core area - Exercise 2
- Speaker at Software Design in Many-core area - Exercise 3
- Speaker at Software Design in Many-core area - Exercise 3
- Speaker at Software Design in the Many-Cores era - Lecture 1
- Speaker at Software Design in the Many-Cores era - Lecture 2
- Speaker at Software Design in the Many-Cores era - Lecture 3
- Speaker at Software Design in the Many-Cores era - Lecture 4
- Frederic Hemmer (CERN, IT Department Head)
Rolf Heuer
(CERN General Director)
- Speaker at CERN, 60 years of Science for Peace
- Speaker at CERN, 60 years of Science for Peace
Robert Jacobsen
(Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory (LBNL))
- Speaker at Tools and Techniques - Lecture 1
- Speaker at Tools and Techniques - Exercise 1
- Speaker at Tools and Techniques - Exercise 2
- Speaker at Tools and Techniques - Exercise 3
- Speaker at Tools and Techniques - Exercise 4
- Speaker at Tools and Techniques - Exercise 5
- Speaker at Tools and Techniques - Exercise 6
- Speaker at Tools and Techniques - Lecture 2
- Sverre Jarp (CERN)
- Tomoyori Katsuaki (KEK)
Sebastian Lopienski
- Speaker at Secure Software - Exercise 1
- Speaker at Secure Software - Exercise 2
- Speaker at Secure Software - Exercise 3
- Speaker at Secure Software - Lecture 1
- Speaker at Secure Software - Lecture 2
- Speaker at Secure Software - Lecture 3
Giuseppe Lo Presti
- Speaker at Secure Software - Exercise 1
- Speaker at Secure Software - Exercise 2
- Speaker at Secure Software - Exercise 3
Stefano Martina
(Universita e INFN (IT))
- Speaker at Calculability and comlexity
Hristo Mohamed
(University of Sofia (BG))
- Speaker at Puppet is so awesome it sucks
- Andrzej Nowak (CERN)
Alberto Pace
- Speaker at Data Technologies - Exercise 1
- Speaker at Data Technologies - Exercise 2
- Speaker at Data Technologies - Exercise 3
- Speaker at Data Technologies - Exercise 4
- Speaker at Data Technologies - Exercise 5
- Speaker at Data Technologies - Lecture 1
- Speaker at Data Technologies - Lecture 2
- Speaker at Data Technologies - Lecture 3
- Speaker at Data Technologies - Lecture 4
- Speaker at Data Technologies - Lecture 5
- Speaker at Presentation of the School and Opening declaration
- Speaker at Presentation of the School
- Speaker at The Cern School of Computing
Janos Daniel Pek
- Speaker at Parallelism for free with Haskell
Andreas Joachim Peters
- Speaker at Data Technologies - Exercise 1
- Speaker at Data Technologies - Exercise 2
- Speaker at Data Technologies - Exercise 3
- Speaker at Data Technologies - Exercise 4
- Speaker at Data Technologies - Exercise 5
- Speaker at Spotlight on Big Data/Technologies -... inspired by nature, society, physics and mathematics
Danilo Piparo
- Speaker at Software Design in Many-core area - Exercise 2
- Speaker at Software Design in Many-core area - Exercise 3
- Speaker at Software Design in Many-core area - Exercise 3
- Speaker at Software Design in the Many-Cores era - Lecture 1
- Speaker at Software Design in the Many-Cores era - Lecture 2
- Speaker at Software Design in the Many-Cores era - Lecture 3
- Speaker at Software Design in the Many-Cores era - Lecture 4
Ivica Puljak
(University of Split (HR))
- Speaker at Data Analysis - Lecture 1
Ivica Puljak
(Technical University of Split FESB)
- Speaker at Data Analysis - Exercise 1
- Speaker at Data Analysis - Exercise 2
- Speaker at Data Analysis - Exercise 3
- Speaker at Data Analysis - Exercise 4
- Speaker at Data Analysis - Exercise 5
- Speaker at Data Analysis - Lecture 2
- Speaker at Data Analysis - Lecture 3
- Speaker at Data Analysis - Lecture 4
- Speaker at Data Analysis - Lecture 4
- Speaker at Data Analysis - Lecture 5
- Speaker at Data Analysis - Lecture 6
Arnulf Quadt
(Georg-August-Universitaet Goettingen (DE))
- Speaker at Introduction to Physics computing
- Speaker at Introduction to Physics Computing - Lecture 1
- Speaker at Introduction to Physics Computing - Lecture 2
Benjamin Radburn-Smith
(Purdue University (US))
- Speaker at Multivariate Visualisation - Lecture 1
- Miguel Seabra
Michael Sokolov
- Speaker at Performance of RAID arrays
- Stefan Nicolae Stancu (CERN)
Pawel Szostek
- Speaker at Profiling code in Python
Helga Timko
- Speaker at Challenges in the CERN Accelerator Complex
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