22–26 Sept 2014
Centre des Congrès - Aix en Provence, France
Europe/Zurich timezone

The ATLAS Level-1 Muon Topological Trigger Information for Run 2 of the LHC

24 Sept 2014, 17:24
Centre des Congrès - Aix en Provence, France

Centre des Congrès - Aix en Provence, France

14 boulevard Carnot 13100
Poster Trigger Second Poster Session


Marcos Vinicius Silva Oliveira (Juiz de Fora Federal University (BR))


For run 2 of the LHC, the ATLAS Level-1 trigger system will include topological information on trigger objects in order to cope with the increased trigger rates. The existing Muon-to-Central-Trigger-Processor interface (MUCTPI) has been modified in order to provide coarse-grained topological information on muon candidates. A MUCTPI-to-Level-1-Topological-Processor interface (MuCTPiToTopo) has been developed to receive the electrical information and to send it optically to the Level-1 Topological Processor (L1TOPO). This poster will describe the different modules mentioned above and present results of functionality and connection tests performed.


For run 2 of the LHC, the ATLAS Level-1 trigger system will include
topological information on trigger objects in order to cope with the
increased trigger rates. A dedicated Level-1 Topological Trigger
Processor (L1TOPO) has been developed for that purpose. Although the
Muon-to-Central-Trigger-Processor Interface (MUCTPI) is planned to be
replaced only for run 3 of the LHC in order to provide full-granularity muon candidate information to the L1TOPO, the existing
MUCTPI has already been modified now to provide coarse-grained
topological information on muon candidates. A MUCTPI-to-Level-1-Topological-Processor interface (MuCTPiToTopo) has been developed to receive the electrical information from the MUCTPI system, to collect it, to convert it, and to send it to the L1TOPO on an optical link.
This poster will describe the modifications to the MUCTPI and the
development of the MuCTPiToTopo interface and of the L1TOPO up to the
receiving part. Some details on the firmware development for encoding
of the muon candidate topological information in the MUCTPI, the
serialisation of the information at 320 MHz, the sending over NIM
outputs existing in the current MUCTPI, and the testing of receiving
the information with an FPGA development kit and dedicated firmware
will be described as well as other functional tests. This poster will
further present results of connection tests between the MUCTPI and the MuCTPiToTopo interface, the MuCTPiToTopo interface and the L1TOPO, as well as the full chain and provide typical bit error rates and bathtub plots proving the comfortable margin for the operation of the data transfer.

Primary author

Marcos Vinicius Silva Oliveira (Juiz de Fora Federal University (BR))


Adam Kaluza (Johannes-Gutenberg-Universitaet Mainz (DE)) Alexander Vogel (Johannes-Gutenberg-Universitaet Mainz (DE)) Andreas Dominik Reiss (Johannes-Gutenberg-Universitaet Mainz (DE)) Antoine Marzin (CERN) Bruno Bauss (Johannes-Gutenberg-Universitaet Mainz) Christian Kahra (Johannes-Gutenberg-Universitaet Mainz (DE)) Christian Ohm (CERN) Eduard Ebron Simioni (Johannes-Gutenberg-Universitaet Mainz (DE)) Frans Philip Schreuder (NIKHEF (NL)) Gorm Galster (University of Copenhagen (DK)) Henk Boterenbrood (NIKHEF (NL)) Jan David Schipper (NIKHEF (NL)) Jan Schaffer (Johannes-Gutenberg-Universitaet Mainz (DE)) Joerg Stelzer (CERN) Joseph Vermeulen (NIKHEF (NL)) Julian Glatzer (CERN) Katharina Bianca Jakobi (Johannes-Gutenberg-Universitaet Mainz (DE)) Kristof Schmieden (CERN) Manuel Simon (Johannes-Gutenberg-Universitaet Mainz (DE)) Marco Ghibaudi (Scuola Superiore Sant'Anna di Studi Universitari e di Perfezion) Markus Zinser (Johannes-Gutenberg-Universitaet Mainz (DE)) Michiru Kaneda (CERN) Nick Ellis (CERN) Olga Igonkina (NIKHEF (NL)) Peter Paul Maarten Jansweijer (NIKHEF (NL)) Philippe Farthouat (CERN) Ralf Spiwoks (CERN) Reinhold Degele (Johannes-Gutenberg-Universitaet Mainz (DE)) Ruth Pottgen (Johannes-Gutenberg-Universitaet Mainz (DE)) Saminder Dhaliwal (NIKHEF (NL)) Sebastian Artz (Johannes-Gutenberg-Universitaet Mainz (DE)) Stefan Haas (CERN) Stefan Tapprogge (Johannes-Gutenberg-Universitaet Mainz (DE)) Thilo Pauly (CERN) Uli Schaefer (Johannes-Gutenberg-Universitaet Mainz (DE)) Volker Buescher (Johannes-Gutenberg-Universitaet Mainz (DE))

Presentation materials