Logic & Packaging: B5b
- Ken Wyllie (CERN)
Heiko Engel
(Johann-Wolfgang-Goethe Univ. (DE))
25/09/2014, 11:10
The ALICE and ATLAS DAQ systems read out detector data via point-to-point serial links into custom hardware modules, the ALICE RORC and ATLAS ROBIN. To meet the increase in operational requirements both experiments are replacing their respective modules with a new common module, the C-RORC. This card, developed by ALICE, implements a PCIe Gen 2 x8 interface and supports twelve optical links...
Thomas Blank
25/09/2014, 11:35
This paper describes the production process and results for the fourth barrel layer for the CMS silicon pixel detector, upgrade phase I. The fourth layer will be produced in distributed detector production lab (DDTL) at KIT and DESY. Both research centers have commonly developed and investigated new production processes, including SAC solder bump jetting, gold stud bumping and precoat by...