Catalin for BRAHMS Collaboration Ristea
(University of Bucharest)
The BRAHMS collaboration has measured identified particles from AuAu and pp collisions at 200GeV over 3 units of rapidity.
We will investigate the scaling of pion and kaon production with Ncoll and Npart at both central and forward rapidities.
The kaon to pion ratio serves as a measure of equilibration of strange quarks. BRAHMS has found that for central collisions the K-/K+ ratio is strongly correlated to the pbar/p ratio. We will show how this correlation evolves with the centrality of the system.
We will also show the centrality dependence of R_AA(Pt) at both central and forward rapidity for both mesons and baryons.
For central collisions BRAHMS has already shown that R_AA does not depend strongly on rapidity but these data represent the first time that the centrality dependence of R_AA has been measured at forward rapidity.
These data thus provide a summary of hadron production over a very wide rapidity and centrality range.
Primary authors
Catalin for BRAHMS Collaboration Ristea
(University of Bucharest)
Oana Ristea
(University of Bucharest)