500 / 500
- Andrew Adare (Yale University)
- Antoni Aduszkiewicz (Faculty of Physics, University of Warsaw)
- Andras Gabor Agocs (KFKI Research Institute for Particle and Nuclear Physics)
- Joerg Aichelin (Subatech)
- Yukinao Akamatsu (Nagoya University)
- Ryohji Akimoto (University of Tokyo)
- Grelli Alessandro (Utrecht University)
- Anton Alkin (Bogolyubov Inst. for Theor. Phys. (ITP)-Ukrainian Academy of Sci)
- Valerio Altini (CERN)
- Cristian Andrei (National Institute of Physics and Nuclear Engineering (IFIN-HH)-)
- Anton Andronic (Gesellschaft fuer Schwerionenforschung mbH (GSI))
- Aaron Richard Angerami (Columbia University)
- Christopher Anson (The Ohio State University)
Federico Antinori
(INFN Padova, Italy)
- Speaker at The high energy frontier of A-A
- Harald Appelshaeuser (Johann-Wolfgang-Goethe Univ.)
- Nicolas Arbor (LPSC, UJF Grenoble 1, CNRS/IN2P3, INPG)
- Francois Arleo (lapp-Laboratoire d'Annecy-le-Vieux de Physique des Particules-In)
- Nestor Armesto Perez (Universidade de Santiago de Compostela)
- Roberta Arnaldi (Universita degli Studi di Torino)
- Peter Arnold (University of Virginia)
- Ionut Cristian Arsene (Gesellschaft fuer Schwerionen forschung mbH (GSI))
- Masayuki Asakawa (Osaka University)
- Ermias T. Atomssa (Stony Brook University)
- Jussi Auvinen (University of Jyväskylä)
- Francesco Barile (Universita degli Studi di Bari-Universita e INFN)
- Gergely Barnafoldi (KFKI Research Institute for Particle and Nuclear Physics of the HAS)
- Toni Baroncelli (Physics Department University of ROMA TRE - Rome -Italy)
Celso Barros
(Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina)
- Speaker at Polarization Effects at RHIC and LHC
Stefan Bathe
(RIKEN-BNL Research Center)
- Speaker at PHENIX Highlights
- Bjørn Bäuchle (Frankfurt Institute for Advanced Studies)
- Christoph Baumann (IKF, Goethe-Universität Frankfurt)
- Viktor Begun (Bogolyubov Institute for Theoretical Physics, Kiev, Ukraine)
- Chang Beomsu (ALICE)
- Andrea Beraudo (Centro Studi e ricerche "Enrico Fermi" - Rome (Italy))
- Hamza Berrehrah (Subatech)
- Barbara Betz (Columbia University)
Rajeev Bhalerao
(TIFR (Tata Inst. of Fundamental Research))
- Speaker at Understanding initial state fluctuations
- Lusaka Bhattacharya (Saha Institute of Nuclear Physics)
- Lusaka Bhattacharya (Saha Institute of Nuclear Physics)
- Livio Bianchi (Universita degli Studi di Torino-Universita & INFN, Torino-Unkno)
- Chiara Bianchin (Universita degli Studi di Padova-Universita & INFN, Padova-Unkn)
- Jana Bielcikova (Nuclear Physics Institute ASCR)
- Ante Bilandzic (NIKHEF)
Johan Jannik Bjerrum-Bohr
(FIAS Frankfurt Institute for Advanced study)
- Speaker at The dynamics of quark droplets
- Dmitry Blau (RRC Kurchatov Institute)
Marcus Bleicher
(Frankfurt Institute for Advanced Studies)
- Speaker at The low energy frontier of A-A
- Marcus Bluhm (Laboratoire SUBATECH)
- Julian Book (Institut fuer Kernphysik - Frankfurt)
- Nicolas Borghini (University of Bielefeld)
- Alexander Borissov (Wayne State University)
- Ioannis Bouras (University of Frankfurt)
- Bruno Alexandre Boyer (Institut de Physique Nucleaire (IPN)-Universite de Paris-Sud (Pa)
- Piotr Bozek (IFJ PAN Krakow/ Rzeszow University)
- Ermes Braidot (LBNL)
Peter Braun-Munzinger
- Speaker at Proposal for QM13/14 in Darmstadt
- Larissa Bravina (Department of Physics, University of Oslo)
- Kyrylo Bugaiev (Bogolyubov Inst. for Theor. Phys. (ITP), Kiev, Ukraine)
- Alessandro Buzzatti (Columbia University)
- Davide Caffarri (Universita degli Studi di Padova- INFN Padova & CERN)
- Jean-Christophe CAILLON (CENBG)
- Helen Louise Caines (Yale University-Unknown-Unknown)
- Ivan Amos Cali (LNS)
- Jeremy Louis Callner (Physics Department-University of Illinois at Chicago)
- Jorge Casalderrey Solana (CERN)
- Jan Cepila (Faculty of Nuclear Sciences and Physical Engineering (FNSPE)-Czech Technical University in Prague)
- Rupa Chatterjee (University of Jyvaskyla)
- Rupa Chatterjee (University of Jyvaskyla)
Asis Chaudhuri
(Variable Energy Cyclotron Centre)
- Speaker at Centrality dependence of viscous quark gluon plasma at LHC
- Speaker at Charged Particle’s elliptic flow in 2+1D viscous hydrodynamics at LHC (√s=2.76 TeV) Energy in Pb+Pb collision. and QGP viscosity
- Speaker at Hydrodynamical analysis of centrality dependence of charged particle’s multiplicity in √sNN=2.76 TeV Pb+Pb collision
- Yujiao Chen (Columbia University)
- Lizhu Chen (CCNU/BNL)
- Maxim Chernodub (University of Tours, France)
- D.D. Chinellato (Instituto de Fisica Gleb Wataghin (IFGW) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas)
- Giovanni Antonio Chirilli (Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory (LBNL))
- Mickey Chiu (Brookhaven National Lab)
- Sungtae Cho (Yonsei University)
- Marek Chojnacki (UU/NIKHEF)
- Panos Christakoglou (NIKHEF - Utrecht University)
- Christian Holm Christensen (Niels Bohr Institute)
- Peter Christiansen (Lund University)
- Ondrej Chvala (UCR Riverside)
Luisa Cifarelli-Strolin
(Dipartimento di Fisica)
- Speaker at Proposal for QM13/14 in Bologna
- Zvi Citron (Weizmann Institute of Science)
Collaboration CMS
- Speaker at B → J/ψ measurement in PbPb at √s_NN = 2.76 TeV using CMS
- Speaker at Data-driven efficiencies for di-muon measurements in heavy ion collisions with CMS
- Speaker at Effect of the polarization on the acceptance for quarkonia studies in PbPb at √sNN = 2.76 TeV in CMS
- Speaker at Electron reconstruction and Z measurement in the di-electron channel in PbPb collisions with CMS
- Speaker at Measurement of higher order flow harmonics in PbPb collisions at $\sqrt{s_{NN}}$ = 2.76 TeV by CMS
- Speaker at Performance of the CMS Zero Degree Calorimeter for PbPb and pp running
- Speaker at Rapidity and centrality dependence of transverse energy distributions in PbPb collisions from CMS
Brian Cole
(Physics Dept., Pupin Physics Lab.-Columbia University-Unknown)
- Speaker at ATLAS jet measurements
- Christopher Coleman-Smith (Duke Physics)
- Gustavo Conesa Balbastre (LPSC - Grenoble)
- Zaida Conesa Del Valle (CERN)
- Pietro Cortese (Univ. del Piemonte Orientale, Dip.Scienze eTecnologie)
- Mate Csanad (Eötvös University)
Laszlo Pal Csernai
(University of Bergen)
- Speaker at V1 flow componet at LHC
- Torsten Dahms (LLR - Ecole Polytechnique, IN2P3-CNRS)
- Andrea Dainese (INFN Padova)
- Hans Hjersing Dalsgaard (Niels Bohr Institute, University of Copenhagen)
santosh K das
(Variable Energy Cyclotron Centre)
- Speaker at Characterizing quark gluon plasma by Heavy Flavors
- Speaker at Dragging D mesons by hot hadrons
- Sadhana Dash (Universita & INFN, Torino)
Cesar luiz daSilva
(Los Alamos National Lab)
- Speaker at PHENIX heavy flavor
- Gabor David (Brookhaven National Laboratory)
- Somnath De (Variable Energy Cyclotron Centre)
- Sudipan De (Variable Energy Cyclotron Centre (VECC)-Department of Atomic Ene)
- Alessandro De Falco (Univ. + INFN Cagliari)
- Daniele De Gruttola (University and INFN of Salerno - CERN)
- Wei-Tian Deng (Frankfurt Institute for Advanced Studies)
- Gabriel Denicol (Institut fur Theoretische Physik, Goethe University, 60438 Frankfurt am Main, GermanyFrankfurt University)
- David d'Enterria (CERN)
- Francesco D'Eramo (MIT)
- Chanaka De Silva (University of Houston)
- Carmelo Di Giglio (Universita’ di Bari and INFN sezione di Bari)
- Heng-Tong Ding (Brookhaven National Lab)
Oeystein Djuvsland
(University of Bergen)
- Speaker at Energy density in Pb-Pb Collisions at LHC
- Alexandru Florin Dobrin (Wayne State University)
- Fabio Dominguez (Columbia University)
- Benjamin Dönigus (Research Division and ExtreMe Matter Institute EMMI, GSI Helmholtzzentrum für Schwerionenforschung, Darmstadt, Germany & Helmholtz Research School H-QM, Frankfurt, Germany)
- Olga Driga (Laboratoire de Physique Subatomique et des Technologies Associees, SUBATECH)
- Christina Dritsa (JLU)
J. Matthew Durham
(Stony Brook University)
- Speaker at Recent PHENIX results on open heavy flavor
Kevin Dusling
(North Carolina State University)
- Speaker at Bulk viscosity in heavy-ion collision
- Shinji Ejiri (Niigata University)
- Andrej El (University of Frankfurt)
- Shinichi Esumi (Institute of Physics - University of Tsukuba)
- Gyulnara Eyyubova (University of Oslo)
- Markus Fasel (Gesellschaft fuer Schwerionen forschung mbH (GSI))
- Bo Feng (University od Texas at El Paso)
- Grigori Feofilov (St. Petersburg State University)
- Andrej Ficnar (Columbia University, New York, USA)
- Vladimir Filinov (Joint Institute for High Temperatures, Russian Academy of Sciences, Russia)
Stefan Floerchinger
- Speaker at Turbulent fluctuations around Bjorken flow
- Michele Floris (CERN)
- Wojciech Florkowski (Institute of nuclear Physics, Krakow)
- Oliver Fochler (Institut für Theoretische Physik, Goethe-Universität Frankfurt)
- Zoltan Fodor (BUW)
- Eduardo Fraga (Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro)
- Tamar Friedmann (University of Rochester)
- Rainer Fries (Texas A&M University + RBRC)
- Hirotsugu Fujii (University of Tokyo)
- Martino Gagliardi (Sezione INFN di Torino, Torino, Italy)
Carl Gagliardi
(STAR Collaboration)
- Speaker at STAR science for the coming decade
- Charles Gale (McGill University)
- Dhevan Gangadharan (Department of Physics-Ohio State University)
- Paraskevi Ganoti (Oak Ridge National Laboratory)
- Fernando Gardim (USP)
Irakli Garishvili
(Lawrence Livermore National Laboboratory)
- Speaker at Modeling heavy ion collisions with CHIMERA
- Marek Gazdzicki (Frankfurt University)
Daniil Gelfand
(TU Darmstadt)
- Speaker at Quark production far from equilibrium
- Francois Gelis (CEA/DSM/Saclay)
- Claudio Geuna (IRFU-cea - Centre d'Etudes de Saclay)
- Clément Gombeaud (University of Bielefeld)
- Xiaoyang Gong (Stony Brook University)
- Pol Gossiaux (Subatech)
- Gunnar Gräf (Frankfurt Institute for Advanced Studies)
- Robert Grajcarek (University of Heidelberg, Heidelberg, Germany)
- Frederique Grassi (Instituto de Fisica-Universidade de Sao Paulo)
- Nathan Grau (Augustana College)
Jan Fiete Grosse-Oetringhaus
- Speaker at Results from correlation studies in ALICE
- Maxime Rene Joseph Guilbaud (Institut de Physique Nucleaire de Lyon (IPNL)-Universite Claude)
- Shikshit Gupta (Department of Physics)
- Sourendu Gupta (TIFR, Mumbai)
Miklos Gyulassy
(Columbia University)
- Speaker at Common discussion with 4 speakers
- Takashi Hachiya (RIKEN)
- Ren Hai-cang (Rockefeller University)
Hideki Hamagaki
(Graduate School of Science-University of Tokyo)
- Speaker at Proposal for QM13/14 in Japan
- Gergo Hamar (MTA KFKI RMKI Research Institue for Particle and Nuclear Physics)
John Harris
- Speaker at Preparation of QM2012 at Washington
- Speaker at Presentation of QM12
- Yoshitaka Hatta (University of Tsukuba)
- Koichi Hattori (High Energy Accelerator Research Organization (KEK))
- Stefan Heckel (Johann-Wolfgang-Goethe Univ.)
- Ulrich Heinz (The Ohio State University)
- Achim Heinz (ITP Frankfurt am Main)
- Johann Heuser (GSI Helmholtz Center for Heavy Ion Research GmbH, Darmstadt, Germany)
- Yuji Hirono (The University of Tokyo)
- Hannu Holopainen (University of Jyväskylä)
- William Horowitz (University of Cape Town)
- Defu Hou (Central China Normal University)
- Zhen Hu (Purdue University)
- Xu-Guang Huang (Institute for Theoretical Physics)
- Bingchu Huang (STAR BNL)
- Patrick Huck (CCNU + IKF + LBNL)
- Thomas Humanic (Relativistic Heavy Ion Group, Department of Physics - Ohio State U.)
- Pasi Huovinen (Johann Wolfgang Goethe-Universität)
- Gian Michele Innocenti (Universita & INFN, Torino)
- Christian Ivan (GSI)
Peter Jacobs
(Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory)
- Speaker at Common discussion with 4 speakers
- Umme Jamil (SINP, Kolkata, India)
- Satyajit Jena (IIT Bombay)
- Sangyong Jeon (McGill University)
Jiangyong Jia
(Brookhaven National Laboratory (BNL)- Stony Brook University)
- Speaker at ATLAS flow
Yin Jiang
(Tsinghua University)
- Speaker at Strong Coupled Pion Superfluid
- Mihee Jo (Korea University (KR))
- Olaf Kaczmarek (University of Bielefeld)
- Topi Kahara (Helsinki Institute of Physics)
- Alexander Philipp Kalweit (Technische Universität Darmstadt)
- Jason Kamin (State University of New York at Stony Brook)
- Jan Kapitan (Nuclear Physics Institute ASCR)
- Joseph Kapusta (University of Minnesota)
- Iurii Karpenko (BITP)
- Frithjof Karsch (Brookhaven National Laboratory)
- Kolja Kauder (University of Illinois at Chicago)
- Rashid Khan (Norwegian University of Science and Technology)
- Yuri Kharlov (IHEP)
Dmitri Kharzeev
(Stony Brook and BNL)
- Speaker at Common discussion with 2 speakers
- Speaker at Common discussion with 3 speakers
- Speaker at Preparation of QM2012 at Washington
- Speaker at Chirality, magnetic field and parity violation in hot QCD matter
- Yong Kim (Massachusetts Inst. of Technology (MIT) Heacy Ion group (CMS))
- Dong Jo Kim (University of Jyväskylä)
- Adam Kisiel (CERN)
- Edouard Kistenev (Brookhaven National Laboratory)
- Masakiyo Kitazawa (Osaka University)
- Christian Klein-Boesing (IKP Muenster)
- Michael Linus Knichel (Research Division and ExtreMe Matter Institute EMMI, GSI Helmholtzzentrum für Schwerionenforschung, Darmstadt, Germany)
Volker Koch
(Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory)
- Speaker at Common discussion with 4 speakers
- Yasuhiro Kohno (Osaka University)
- Volodymyr Konchakovski (Institute for Theoretical Physics, Giessen University)
- Dmitry Kotov (PNPI RAS)
- Yuri Kovchegov (The Ohio State University)
- Krisztian Krajczar (KFKI Research Institute for Particle and Nuclear Physics of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences)
- Jiri Kral (University of Jyvaskyla)
- Frederick Kramer (IKF, Goethe-Universität Frankfurt)
- Dmytro Kresan (GSI, Germany)
- Mikolaj Krzewicki (NIKHEF)
- Shintaro Kubota (Graduate School of Pure and Applied Sciences-University of Tsukuba)
- Andrej Kugler (Nuclear Physics Institute)
- lokesh kumar (Kent State University)
Teiji Kunihiro
(Kyoto University)
- Speaker at Roles of Axial Anomaly on Neutral Strongly Interacting Matter ---- New Critical Points at Low Temperature and the Absence of Chromomagnetic Instabilty ----
- Speaker at Derivation of Causal Relativistic Hydrodynamic Equations and Novel Moment Method
- Speaker at Spectrum of fermion coupled with massive vector boson at finite temperature in gauge invariant formalism
- Alexeii Kurepin (Institute for Nuclear Research (INR))
- Alexey Kurepin (Institute for Nuclear Research of Russian Academy of Siences)
- Min Jung Kweon (Ruprecht-Karls-Universitaet Heidelberg)
- Roy Lacey (Stony Brook University)
- Thomas Lang (Frankfurt Institute for Advanced Studies)
- Jean-Philippe Lansberg (IPNO-Paris Sud 11)
- Antoine Lardeux (SUBATECH, on behalf of the ALICE collaboration)
- Kang Seog Lee (Chonnam National University)
- Yen-Jie Lee (Massachusetts Inst. of Technology (MIT))
- Mindaugas Lekaveckas (MIT)
- Matthieu Lenhardt (Laboratoire de physique subatomique et des technologies associee)
- Hermes Leon Vargas (IKF Goethe-Universität Frankfurt am Main)
- Peter Levai (KFKI Research Institute for Particle and Nuclear Physics, Budapest, Hungary)
- Wei Li (Shanghai Institute of Applied Physics)
- Xin Li (STAR Collaboration)
- Shi-Yuan Li (SDU)
- Cheng Li (University of Science and Technology of China)
- Wei Li (MIT)
- Shu Lin (MPI for Physics, Munich)
- Olena Linnyk (University of Giessen)
- Fuming Liu (Huazhong Normal University)
- Yunpeng Liu (Tsinghua University)
Yunpeng Liu
(Tsinghua University)
- Speaker at Upsilon production at RHIC and LHC
- Daniel Lohner (Ruprecht-Karls-Universitaet Heidelberg)
- Constantinos Loizides (Lawrence Berkeley National Lab. (LBNL))
Javier Lopez Albacete
(IPhT CEA/Saclay)
- Speaker at Initial conditions - Theory perspectives
- Xianguo Lu (Physikalisches Institut-Ruprecht-Karls-Universitaet Heidelberg)
- Philipp Luettig (CERN)
- Xiaofeng Luo (University of Science and Technology of China (USTC); Lawrence Berkeley National Lab (LBNL))
Matthew Luzum
(IPhT (CEA/Saclay))
- Speaker at Fluctuations & correlations – TH perspective
Hao Ma
(Universidad de Santiago de Compostela)
- Speaker at Massive QCD antenna radiation in medium
- Guo-Liang Ma (Shanghai Institute of Applied Physics)
- Rongrong Ma (Yale University)
- Dilan Madagodahettige Don (University of Houston)
- Volodymyr Magas (University of Barcelona)
Tariq Mahmoud
(Universität Gießen)
- Speaker at Development of the CBM RICH detector
Abhijit Majumder
(The Ohio State University)
- Speaker at Jet modification from RHIC to LHC
- Mihael Makek (Weizmann Institute of Science)
- Ludmila Malinina (Joint Inst. for Nuclear Research (JINR)-Unknown-Unknown)
- Yaxian Mao (CCNU, Wuhan & LPSC, Grenoble)
- Christina Markert (University of Texas at Austin)
Yuri Markov
(Institute for System Dynamics and Control Theory)
- Speaker at Soft-quark bremsstrahlung and energy losses
- Margaret Markova (Institute for System Dynamics and Control Theory)
- Ginés Martínez García (Subatech, Ecole des Mines de Nantes, Université de Nantes, CNRS-IN2P3, Nantes, France)
- Mauricio Martinez Guerrero (FIAS)
- Rudy Marty (Subatech)
- Silvia Masciocchi (GSI Darmstadt)
- Laure Marie Massacrier (Institut de Physique Nucleaire de Lyon (IPNL)-Universite Claude)
Hiroshi Masui
- Speaker at STAR highlights
- David Mateos (ICREA & U. Barcelona)
- Michael McCumber (University of Colorado)
- Darren McGlinchey (Florida State University)
- Yacine Mehtar-Tani (University of Santiago de Compostela)
- Jorge Mercado (Heidelberg University)
- Mohammed Mia (Columbia University)
- Frank Michler (University of Frankfurt)
- Leonardo Milano (Universita degli Studi di Torino-Universita e INFN)
José Guilherme Milhano
(Instituto Superior Tecnico (IST) and CERN PH-TH)
- Speaker at Jet Quenching via Jet Collimation
- Alexander Milov (Weizmann Institute of Science)
- Yuki Minami (Japan)
- Michael K. Mitrovski (for the STAR collaboration)
- Sanshiro Mizuno (Graduate School of Pure and Applied Sciences-University of Tsuku)
Agnes Mocsy
(Pratt Institute, NY, USA)
- Speaker at Heavy-quarks and quarkonia
- Bedanga Mohanty (VECC, Kolkata)
- Soumya Mohapatra (Department of Physics-State University of New York (SUNY))
- payal mohnaty (Variable Energy Cyclotron Centre)
- Denes Molnar (Purdue University)
- Mriganka Mouli MONDAL (Institute of Physics, Bhubaneswar)
- Akihiko Monnai (The University of Tokyo)
- Marco Monteno (INFN Torino)
- Kenji Morita (Kyot University)
George Moschelli
(Frankfurt Institute for Advanced Studies)
- Speaker at Fluctuations and the Ridge from RHIC to LHC
- Philippe Mota (Institut für Theoretische Physik, Goethe-Universität)
- Berndt Mueller (Duke University)
- Sanjib Muhuri (Variable Energy Cyclotron Centre; Department of Atomic Energy; Government of India; 1/AF, Salt-Lake, Bidhan-nagar; Kolkata--64.)
- Swagato Mukherjee (Brookhaven National Laboratory)
Steve Myers
- Speaker at LHC accelerator
- Márton Nagy (MTA KFKI RMKI, H-1525 Budapest 114, P.O.Box 49, Hungary)
- Marlene Nahrgang (Goethe University Frankfurt and Frankfurt Institute for Advanced Studies (FIAS))
- Takashi Nakano (Kyoto University)
- Christine Nattrass (University of Tennessee/Knoxville)
- Richard Neufeld (LANL)
- Matthew Nguyen (CERN)
- Harri Niemi (Frankfurt Institute for Advanced Studies)
Bjorn Nilsen
(Creighton University)
- Speaker at The ALICE EMCal Overview and Status
- Mads Stormo Nilsson (Department of Physics, University of Oslo)
- Akihiro Nishiyama (University of Tsukuba)
- Chiho Nonaka (Nagoya University)
- Norbert Novitzky (Department of Physics-University of Jyvaskyla)
- Joakim Nystrand (Department of Physics and Technology)
Alice Ohlson
(Yale University)
- Speaker at Jet-Hadron Correlations in STAR
- Akira Ohnishi (Kyoto University)
- Jean-Yves Ollitrault (SPhT, Saclay)
- Chiara Oppedisano (INFN, Sezione di Torino)
- Antonio Ortiz Velasquez (Universidad Nac. Autonoma de Mexico (UNAM))
- Giacomo Ortona (Universita & INFN, Torino)
- Jacek Otwinowski (Research Division and ExtreMe Matter Institute EMMI, GSI Helmholtzzentrum für Schwerionenforschung, Darmstadt, Germany)
- grigory ovanesyan (LANL)
Ken Oyama
(University of Heidelberg)
- Speaker at Cross section normalization in ALICE
- Kyoichiro Ozawa (KEK)
- Vitalii Ozvenchuk (FIAS)
Yvonne Pachmayer
(Ruprecht-Karls-Universitaet Heidelberg-Unknown-Unknown)
- Speaker at Measurement of the Nuclear Modification Factor of Electrons from Heavy Flavour Decays at Mid-Rapidity in Pb-Pb Collisions at 2.76 TeV with ALICE
- Speaker at Measurement of the Nuclear Modification Factor of Electrons from Heavy Flavour Decays at Mid-Rapidity in Pb-Pb Collisions at sqrt(s_NN)=2.76 TeV with ALICE
- Sandra S. Padula (Instituto de Fisica Teorica (IFT)-Univ. Estadual Paulista, SP, Brazil)
- Subrata Pal (Tata Institute of Fundamental Research, Mumbai, India)
- Leticia Palhares (CEA/Saclay)
- Saumia Pandiat (Institute of Physics)
- Yadav Pandit (For the STAR Collaboration)
- binoy patra (Indian Institute of Technology Roorkee)
Thomas Peitzmann
(Universiteit Utrecht)
- Speaker at ALICE detector upgrades
- Dennis Perepelitsa (Columbia University)
- Hannah Petersen (Duke University)
- Peter Petreczky (BNL)
- Philippe Pillot (SUBATECH, Nantes)
- Sona Pochybova (KFKI Research Institute for Particle and Nuclear Physics-Hungari)
- Martin Poghosyan (Universita & INFN, Torino)
- Arun Prakash (BHU,Varanasi,India)
Claude Andre Pruneau
(Wayne State University-Unknown-Unknown)
- Speaker at Jet production measurements with the ALICE Experiment in $pp$ collisions at the LHC
- Speaker at Ridge Studies in Pb+Pb Collisions at the LHC based on Number and Transverse Momentum Two-Particle Correlation Functions
- Speaker at Ridge Studies in Pb-Pb Collisions at the LHC based on Number and Transverse Momentum Two-Particle Correlation Functions
- Prabhat Pujahari (IIT Bombay)
- Alberto Pulvirenti (University / INFN Catania)
- Marian Putis (Pavol Jozef Safarik University, Kosice, Slovakia)
- Guang-You Qin (Duke University)
- Hao Qiu (Institute of Modern Physics)
- Paloma Quiroga Arias (LPTHE , UPMC Univ. Paris 6)
Krishna Rajagopal
- Speaker at Theory overview
- Claudia Ratti (Torino University)
Krzysztof Redlich
(Wroclaw University)
- Speaker at Common discussion with 4 speakers
- Rosi Reed (STAR)
- Martijn Reicher (Universiteit Utrecht)
Felix Reining
(Goethe Universität Frankfurt)
- Speaker at Shear viscosity in a partonic cascade
Thorsten Renk
(University of Jyväskylä)
- Speaker at Jet quenching from RHIC to LHC
- Bala Renu (INFN,Turin)
- Klaus Reygers (University of Heidelberg)
- Dirk Rischke (Institut fur Theoretische Physik, Goethe University, and Frankfurt Institute for Advanced Studies (FIAS), 60438 Frankfurt am Main, Germany)
- Catalin for BRAHMS Collaboration Ristea (University of Bucharest)
- Stefania Ristea (Faculty of Physics, University of Bucharest)
- Oana Ristea (University of Bucharest, Faculty of Physics)
- Jorge A Robles (University of California (UCD))
- Christof Roland (Massachusetts Institute of Technology)
Paul Romatschke
(FIAS Frankfurt)
- Speaker at Soft physics and hydrodynamics
- Rosa Romita (Gesellschaft fuer Schwerionen forschung mbH (GSI))
- Andrea Rossi (Sezione di Padova (INFN)-Universita e INFN)
Lijuan Ruan
(Brookhaven National Laboratory)
- Speaker at The STAR Upgrade Program
- Martin Rybar (Faculty of Mathematics and Physics-Charles University-Unknown)
- Radoslaw Ryblewski (Institute of Nuclear Physics PAN)
- NIHAR R SAHOO (Variable Energy Cyclotron Centre)
- Yuji Sakai (Kyushu University)
- Shingo Sakai (Lawrence Berkeley National Lab. (LBNL))
Carlos Salgado
(University of Santiago de Compostela)
- Speaker at Physics opportunities of future p-A runs
- Rikard Sandström (Max Planck Institut)
- Takashi Sano (University of Tokyo)
- Elvira Santini (Goethe Universität Frankfurt)
- AMAL SARKAR (iit-bombay)
- Edward Sarkisyan-Grinbaum (CERN)
- Chihiro Sasaki (Frankfurt Institute for Advanced Studies)
- Daisuke Satow (Kyoto university)
- Juergen Schaffner-Bielich (Heidelberg University)
- Rolf scharenberg (Purdue University)
Bjoern Schenke
(Brookhaven National Laboratory)
- Speaker at Flow - Theory perspective
- Sören Schlichting (Technische Universität Darmstadt)
- Alexander Schmah (Lawrence Berkeley National Lab)
- Simone Schuchmann (Institut fuer Kernphysik-Johann-Wolfgang-Goethe Univ.)
- Juergen Schukraft (CERN)
- Martin Schulc (Faculty of Nuclear Sciences and Physical Engineering (FNSPE)-Cze)
- Tim Schuster (Frankfurt Institute for Advanced Studies, Goethe-University Frankfurt)
Yves Schutz
- Speaker at QM2011
- Janet Seger (Creighton University)
- Ilya Selyuzhenkov (EMMI/GSI)
Abhisek Sen
(Georgia State University)
- Speaker at Heavy quarkonium measurements from PHENIX
- Neha Shah (UCLA)
- Natasha Sharma (Department of Physics, Panjab University, Chandigarh, India)
- Deepali Sharma (Weizmann Institute of Science)
- Chun Shen (The Ohio State University)
- Shusu Shi (the STAR collaboration)
Kenta Shigaki
(Hiroshima University)
- Speaker at Proposal for QM13/14 in Japan
- Song Shu (Faculty of Physics and Electronic Technology, Hubei University, China)
- Edward Shuryak (Stony Brook University)
- Eva Sicking (Universität Münster / CERN)
Anne Sickles
- Speaker at The next decade of physics with PHENIX
- Catherine Silvestre (Los Alamos National Laboratory (LANL)-Laboratoire de Physique Subatomique et Cosmologie (LPSC, Grenoble))
- Bikash Sinha (Variable Energy Cyclotron Centre)
- Bikash Sinha (Variable Energy Cyclotron Centre)
- Yuriy Sinyukov (Bogolyubov Institute for Theoretical Physics)
- Kyrre Skjerdal (University of Bergen-Unknown-Unknown)
- Michael Skoby (Purdue University)
- Libor Skoda (FNSPE CTU in Prague)
- Vladimir Skokov (GSI, Darmstadt, Germany)
Jon-Ivar Skullerud
(National University of Ireland Maynooth)
- Speaker at Beauty in the QGP from the lattice
Raimond Snellings
(Nikhef, Amsterdam,The Netherlands)
- Speaker at Anisotropic flow from ALICE
- Huichao Song (Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory)
Paul Sorensen
- Speaker at STAR correlations and fluctuations
- Speaker at The Rise and Fall of the Ridge at RHIC and the LHC
Alexander Sorin
(Joint Institute for Nuclear Research)
- Speaker at Heavy ion program at JINR NICA/MPD facility
- Speaker at Vorticity and Chaos in Heavy Ion Collisions
- Prashant Kumar Srivastava (Banaras Hindu University)
- Dinesh Srivastava (Variable Energy Cyclotron Centre)
- Brijesh Kumar Srivastava (Department of Physics-Purdue University-Unknown)
Anna Stasto
(Penn State University)
- Speaker at Physics opportunities of e-A colliders
- Alexey Stavinskiy (ITEP)
- Tzvetalina Stavreva (LPSC)
- Peter Steinberg (Brookhaven National Laboratory)
- Misha Stephanov (UIC)
Rainer Stiele
(Institute for Theoretical Physics, Heidelberg University)
- Speaker at Towards the phase diagram of QCD
Reinhard Stock
(Institut fuer Kernphysik - Johann-Wolfgang-Goethe Univ.)
- Speaker at Validity of the hadronic freeze-out curve
Nan Su
(Bielefeld University)
- Speaker at QCD thermodynamics at intermediate coupling
Yongjie Sun
(Dept. of Modern Physics, University of Science and Technology of China)
- Speaker at R&D on MRPC for STAR MTD
- Akihisa Takahara (University of Tokyo)
Kodama Takeshi
- Speaker at Proposal for a QM in Brazil
- Zebo Tang (University of Science and Technology of China)
- Aihong Tang (Brookhaven National Laboratory)
- Naoto Tanji (High Energy Accelerator Research Organization, KEK)
Michael Tannenbaum
(Brookhaven National Laboratory (BNL)-Unknown-Unknown)
- Speaker at Measuring parton energy loss at RHIC
- Terence Tarnowsky (Michigan State University)
- Toshitaka Tatsumi (Kyoto U.)
- Derek Teaney (Stony Brook University)
- Cristina Terrevoli (Universita degli Studi di Bari-Universita & INFN, Bari for ALICE ITS Collaboration)
- Jim Thomas (Lawrence Berkeley National Lab)
- Anthony Timmins (University of Houston)
- David Tlusty (NPI ASCR)
- Alberica Toia (Organisation européenne pour la recherche nucléaire (CERN))
- Boris Tomasik (Czech Technical University in Prague - Prague - Czech Republic)
- Marguerite Belt Tonjes (University of Maryland)
- VASILE TOPOR POP (McGill University, Montreal, Canada)
- Hisayuki Torii (University of Tokyo)
- Juan Torres-Rincon (Universidad Complutense de Madrid)
Giorgio Torrieri
(JW Goethe Universitat, Frankfurt)
- Speaker at The phase diagram in T-mu-Nc space
- Prithwish (for the STAR collaboration) Tribedy (Variable Energy Cyclotron Centre)
- Barbara Trzeciak (Warsaw University of Technology)
- Adam Trzupek (Henryk Niewodniczanski Inst. Nucl. Physics, PAN)
- Tomoya Tsuji (Center for Nuclear Study University of Tokyo)
Konrad Tywoniuk
(Lund University)
- Speaker at Jets, high-pT hadrons, and prompt photons
- Karoly Uermoessy (Dept. for Theor. Phys., ELTE; Research Institute for Particle and Nuclear Physics (KFKI))
- Jason Glyndwr Ulery (Johann-Wolfgang-Goethe Univ.)
- Thomas Ullrich (Brookhaven National Laboratory)
- Wolfgang Unger (ETH Zürich)
- Jan Uphoff (Goethe University Frankfurt)
- Antonio Uras (INFN Cagliari, IPNL Lyon)
- Sreekanth V. (Physical Research Laboratory, Ahmedabad, India)
- Sara Vallero (Physikalisches Institut - University of Heidelberg)
Marco van Leeuwen
(Utrecht University)
- Speaker at Jets, high-pT hadrons and prompt photons
- Dragos Velicanu (MIT)
Julia Velkovska
(Vanderbilt University)
- Speaker at Flow measurements from the CMS experiment
- Raju Venugopalan (Brookhaven National Laboratory)
- Ivan Vitev (Los Alamos National Laboratory)
- Sascha Vogel (Subatech)
- Sergei Voloshin (Department of Physics and Astronomy-College of Science-Wayne Sta)
- Renzhuo Wan (IOPP-CCNU, Wuhan, China and IPHC-UDS, Strasbourg, France)
- Hui Wang (Michigan state university)
- Quan Wang (Purdue University)
- Yosuke Watanabe (Tokyo University)
Christian Wesp
(Goethe Universität Frankfurt)
- Speaker at Shear viscosity in a partonic cascade
- Shawn Whitaker (Iowa State University)
- Georg Wolschin (Heidelberg University)
Cheuk-Yin Wong
(Oak Ridge National Laboratory)
- Speaker at Exotic Matter-Antimatter Molecules
- Yuanfang Wu (Institute of Particle Physics, Huazhong Normal University)
- KeJun Wu (1. Institute of Particle Physics, Huazhong Normal University, Wuhan, 430079, China 2. The Key Laboratory of Quark and Lepton Physics (Huazhong Normal University) Ministry of Education, Wuhan, 430079, China)
Iwona Wyskiel-Piekarska
(Institute of Nuclear Physics PAN)
- Speaker at Directed flow and early thermalization
- Bolek Wyslouch (MIT)
- Matthew Wysocki (University of Colorado Boulder)
Nu Xu
(China Center Normal University)
- Speaker at Upsilon production at RHIC and LHC
- wenqin xu (University of California Los Angeles)
- Liang Xue (SINAP/BNL)
- Yorito Yamaguchi (University of Tokyo)
- Li Yi (Purdue University)
- Yetkin Yilmaz (Massachusetts Inst. of Technology (MIT))
- Andre Yoon (Massachusetts Inst. of Technology (MIT))
- Xianbao Yuan (University and INFN, Padova, Italy - Institute of Particle Physics, Central China Normal University)
- Bronislav Zakharov (Landau Institute)
Korinna Zapp
(University of Heidelberg)
- Speaker at Monte Carlo tools for jet quenching
- Yifei Zhang (Lawrence Berkeley National Lab)
- Bin Zhang (Arkansas State University)
- Hanzhong Zhang (IOPP, Wuhan)
- Xiaoming Zhang (Laboratoire de Physique Corpusculaire, Clermont-Ferrand)
- Zi-Qiang Zhang (Central China Normal University)
- Song Zhang (Shanghai Institute of Applied Physics, CAS, China)
- zhao zhang (North China Electric Power University,China)
- Jie Zhao (SINAP/LBNL)
- Yan Zhu (University of Bielefeld)
Pengfei Zhuang
(Tsinghua University)
- Speaker at Upsilon production at RHIC and LHC
- Speaker at Momentum dependence of quarkonium production at RHIC and LHC
- Speaker at Strong Coupled Pion Superfluid
- Victoria Zhukova (University of Kansas)