May 22 – 28, 2011
Centre Bonlieu
Europe/Zurich timezone

Deconfinement and chiral transition in QCD at finite temperature

May 24, 2011, 3:20 PM
Salon Haendel AB (Imperial Palace)

Salon Haendel AB

Imperial Palace

Allée Impérial 74000 Annecy, France Tél. : +33 4 50 09 30 00
Parallel QCD phase diagram QCD Phase diagram


Dr Peter Petreczky (BNL)


I will discuss new lattice results on the deconfinement and chiral aspects of the transition in QCD at nonzero temperature. I will report on calculations performed using the Highly Improved Staggered Quark (HISQ) action on Nt=6, 8 and 12 lattices. I will show the continuum extrapolation for several quantities that are discussed in connection with the transition at nonzero temperature as well as the determination of the chiral transition temperature in the continuum limit. I will also show new calculations with the asqtad action on Nt=12 lattices which, when combined with the previous Nt=8 HotQCD calculations, give a consistent result for the transition temperature in the continuum limit. Finally I will discuss new findings for the equation of state for HISQ and asqtad actions.


Presentation materials