Carmelo Di Giglio
(Universita’ di Bari and INFN sezione di Bari)
We will discuss the ALICE measurement preparation of the fraction of detached J/ψ (detected via its di-electron decay) coming from beauty hadrons semi-inclusive decays, i.e B → J/ψ + X.
The measurement relies on the combined use of the ALICE TPC for tracking and particle identification via dE/dx, the ITS for tracking and detection of displaced vertices and the TRD for particle identification.
Shown results are based on data collected in 2010 in proton-proton collisions at √s = 7 TeV.
With increasing statistics following ALICE forthcoming data–taking, the approach adopted will be also crucial for both extracting the prompt J/ψ contribution from the total J/ψ cross–section, and measuring the differential beauty production cross-section, down to very low transverse momentum.
Carmelo Di Giglio
(Universita’ di Bari and INFN sezione di Bari)