The Very High Momentum Particle Identification Detector at ALICE

Not scheduled
Théâtre National (Centre Bonlieu)

Théâtre National

Centre Bonlieu

Board: 125
Poster Experiments upgrade, future facilities and instrumentations


Gergo Hamar (MTA KFKI RMKI Research Institue for Particle and Nuclear Physics)


Based on the results in the RHIC heavy ion experiments the identification of very high pT particles seems to be extremely interesting at LHC energies. ALICE performes an excellent event by event PID below 5 GeV/c even in those high track densities. However, the track-by-track analysis of the heavy ion data demands further efforts on the experimental side. We are presenting the idea of an ALICE upgrade detector which is capable to extend the particle identification into the momentum region of 5-25 GeV/c on track-by-track basis. The Very High Momentum Particle Identification Detector (VHMPID) is a gaseous Cherenkov detector, capable to distinguish charged pions, kaons and protons/antiprotons in the above momentum window in event by event. This feature gives us the possibility to study the meson/baryon anomaly, multi jet fragmantation function, in medium effects and the same-side and away-side jet correlations. The talk is focused on design issues and technical aspects of such a detector, with present simulation and the prototype test results of the VHMPID.

Primary author

Gergo Hamar (MTA KFKI RMKI Research Institue for Particle and Nuclear Physics)

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