Mads Stormo Nilsson
(Department of Physics, University of Oslo)
The microscopic string model is employed for the description of
femtoscopic characteristics of identical pions produced in pp
collisions at energies of sqrt{s} = 200GeV (RHIC) and
sqrt{s} = 900GeV (LHC). The strong decrease of the
correlation radius with increasing transverse momentum of the pion
pair is found in accord to STAR and ALICE experimental observations
with flat baselines. In contrast to standard fit of the pion
correlation function to single Gaussian, the double Gaussian fit
reveals the contributions coming from resonances and from directly
produced particles. The comparison of model results with the
experimental data favors decrease of particle formation time with
rising collision energy. The model is also employed to calculate the three-dimensional correlation functions, which gives good agreement with ALICE experimental data.
Mads Stormo Nilsson
(Department of Physics, University of Oslo)
Evgeny Zabrodin
(Department of Physics, University of Oslo)
Larissa Bravina
(Department of Physics, University of Oslo)
Ludmila Malinina
(Skobeltzyn Institute for Nuclear Physics, Moscow State University, Moscow, Russia)