David Tlusty
The charm production is sensitive to early dynamics of the created system
in RHIC heavy ion collisions. Dominant process of charm quark production
at RHIC is believed to be initial gluon fusion which can be calculated in the
perturbative QCD. Understanding both the charm production total cross
section and the fragmentation in p+p collisions is a baseline to
further explore the QCD medium via open charm and charmonium in heavy ion collisions.
This poster will present the reconstruction of open charm meson $D^{0}$
via the weak decay to K and $\pi$ mesons in the p+p collisions at midrapidity
for $sqrt{s}$ = 200 GeV.
The analysis is based on the large p+p minimum bias sample
collected in RHIC year 2009 by the STAR detector. The Time-Of-Flight detector,
which covered 72% of the whole barrel in year 2009, was firstly used to improve
the decay daughter identification. The open charm cross section from hadronic
decay channel will be presented.
David Tlusty