May 22 – 28, 2011
Centre Bonlieu
Europe/Zurich timezone

J/Psi production and correlation in p+p and R_{AA} at high-pt in Au+Au collisions

May 24, 2011, 3:40 PM
Salon Ravel AB (Imperial Palace)

Salon Ravel AB

Imperial Palace

Parallel Heavy flavor and quarkonia production Heavy flavors


Zebo Tang (University of Science and Technology of China)


The $c\bar{c}$ bound state $J/\psi$ provides a unique tool to probe the properties of the hot dense medium produced in heavy-ion collisions, but to date its production mechanism is not understood clearly either in heavy-ion collisions or in hadron hadron collisions. Measurement of $J/\psi$ production at high $p_T$ is particularly interesting since at high $p_T$ the various models give different predictions. Besides, high $p_T$ particles are widely used to study the parton-medium interactions in heavy-ion collisions. The previous high-$p_T$ $J/\psi$ measurements in $p+p$ and Cu+Cu collisions at RHIC published by the STAR collaboration found several interesting things, though constrained by limited statistics and system size. In this talk, we will present the new measurement of $J/\psi \rightarrow e^+e^-$ production at large $p_T$ range ($0< p_T< 10~\textrm{GeV}/c$) at mid-rapidity ($|y|<1$)in $p+p$ and Au+Au collisions at 200 GeV. The datasets are from RHIC year 2009 $p+p$ and 2010 Au+Au runs with significantly reduced material, the newly installed full TOF, and high data acquisition rates. $J/\psi$ $p_T$ spectra and nuclear modification factors from low to high $p_T$ will be discussed to understand its production mechanism and medium modifications. The $J/\psi$-hadron azimuthal angle correlation in $p+p$ collisions will be presented to disentangle $B$-mesons contributions to inclusive $J/\psi$ and study J/$\psi$ hadronization mechanism.


Zebo Tang (University of Science and Technology of China)

Presentation materials