Peter Christiansen
(Lund University)
The TPC is the main tracking detector in the central barrel ($|\eta|\leq 1$) of the ALICE experiment. In addition to tracking it provides particle identification through the measurement of the specific energy loss, dE/dx, which depends only on $\beta\gamma = p/m$. At low momentum, $p$<1GeV/c, pions, kaons, and protons, can be cleanly separated in different momentum intervals. At high momentum, $p$>3GeV/c, the yield of pions, kaons, and protons can be extracted statistically on the relativistic rise.
In this poster I will show results from pp @ 2.76 TeV and Pb-Pb @ 2.76 TeV/nucleon for 3.0<$p_T$<20.0 for charged pions. By combining the results from this analysis with results from the analysis of unidentified charged particles, the charged pion spectra and the charged pion $R_{AA}$ is determined.
Peter Christiansen
(Lund University)