Tagging of eta decay products in Bose-Einstein correlations to analyze chiral restoration

Not scheduled
2h 10m
Théâtre National (Centre Bonlieu)

Théâtre National

Centre Bonlieu

Board: 1
Poster Correlations and fluctuations


Dr Máté Csanád (Eötvös University)


In case of chiral U_A(1) symmetry restoration the mass of the eta' boson (the ninth, would-be Goldstone boson) is decreased, thus its production cross section is heavily enhanced. The eta' decays (through one of its decay channels) into five pions. These pions will not be correlated in terms of Bose-Einsten correlations, thus the production enhancement changes the strength of two-pion correlation functions at low momentum. Preliminary results strongly support the mass decrease of the eta' boson. In this paper we propose a method to select pions coming from eta' decays. We investigate the efficiency of the proposed kinematical cut in several collision systems and energies with several simulators. We prove that our method can be used in all investigeted collision systems.

Primary author

Dr Máté Csanád (Eötvös University)


Mónika Kőfaragó (Eötvös University)

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