May 22 – 28, 2011
Centre Bonlieu
Europe/Zurich timezone

Dissipative hydrodynamics for relativistic multi-component systems

Not scheduled
Théâtre National (Centre Bonlieu)

Théâtre National

Centre Bonlieu

Board: 14
Poster Global and collective dynamics


Andrej El (University of Frankfurt)


Novel set of second-order dissipative hydrodynamic equations for shear stress tensor of each component of a multi-component mixture is derived using the entropy principle [1]. Summation over the equations for all components leads to an effective relaxation-type one-component equation for the total system. In this equation the effective shear viscosity (or alternatively the $\eta/s$ ratio) of the whole system is related to the partial shear pressures and cannot be considered as an external parameter. We demonstrate that in order to describe hydrodynamic behaviour of a multi-component system as a whole it is essential to solve hydrodynamic equations for each component, instead of treating a mixture as an effective one-component system with the free parameters $\eta/s$ and initial time [1]. This conclusion is confirmed by comparisons of solutions of the new hydrodynamic equations with results of kinetic transport simulations, which demonstrate a very good agreement between the two approches. Thus, extractions of the $\eta/s$ value of the QGP at RHIC and LHC have to be reexamined. We apply the obtained multi-component hydrodynamic equations to quantify the dissipative effects on quark and gluon spectra, which are relevant for coalescence and recombination models of hadronization. [1] A. El, I. Bouras, F. Lauciello, Z. Xu and C. Greiner arXiv:1103.4038v1 (Submitted to PRL)


Andrej El (University of Frankfurt)


Prof. Carsten Greiner (University of Frankfurt) Mr Francesco Lauciello (University of Frankfurt) Mr Ioannis Bouras (University of Frankfurt) Dr Zhe Xu (University of Frankfurt)

Presentation materials