Andrej El
(University of Frankfurt)
Novel set of second-order dissipative hydrodynamic equations for shear stress tensor of each
component of a multi-component mixture is derived using the entropy principle [1]. Summation over
the equations for all components leads to an effective relaxation-type one-component equation for
the total system. In this equation the effective shear viscosity (or alternatively the $\eta/s$
ratio) of the whole system is related to the partial shear pressures and cannot be considered as an
external parameter. We demonstrate that in order to describe hydrodynamic behaviour of a
multi-component system as a whole it is essential to solve hydrodynamic equations for each
component, instead of treating a mixture as an effective one-component system with the free
parameters $\eta/s$ and initial time [1]. This conclusion is confirmed by comparisons of solutions
of the new hydrodynamic equations with results of kinetic transport simulations, which demonstrate
a very good agreement between the two approches. Thus, extractions of the $\eta/s$ value of the QGP
at RHIC and LHC have to be reexamined. We apply the obtained multi-component hydrodynamic equations
to quantify the dissipative effects on quark and gluon spectra, which are relevant for coalescence
and recombination models of hadronization.
[1] A. El, I. Bouras, F. Lauciello, Z. Xu and C. Greiner
arXiv:1103.4038v1 (Submitted to PRL)
Andrej El
(University of Frankfurt)
Carsten Greiner
(University of Frankfurt)
Francesco Lauciello
(University of Frankfurt)
Ioannis Bouras
(University of Frankfurt)
Zhe Xu
(University of Frankfurt)