Yuriy Sinyukov
(Bogolyubov Institute for Theoretical Physics)
A study of energy behavior of the pion spectra and interferometry radii is carried out for the SPS, RHIC and LHC energies within the hydrokinetic approach. The main mechanisms that lead to the paradoxical, at first sight, dependence of the femtoscopy scales on a collision energy, in particular, a decrease of Rout/Rside ratio with the energy growth, are exposed. The hydrokinetic predictions for the HBT radii at the LHC energies are compared with the recent results of the ALICE experiment. The role of non-equilibrium stage of the matter evolution in the formation of femtoscopy scales at the LHC energies is analyzed.
The results are based on:
1. Iu.A. Karpenkov, Yu.M. Sinyukov. Energy dependence of pion interferometry scales in ultra-relativistic heavy ion collisions. Phys. Lett. B 688 50 (2010).
2. Yu.M. Sinyukov, Iu.A. Karpenkov. Hydrokinetic predictions for femtoscopy scales in A+A collisions in the light of recent ALICE LHC results. arXiv:1103.5632v1 [nucl-th] 29 Mar 2011.
3. Very new results based on the Hybrid Hydrokinetic Model (not published yet).
Primary author
Yuriy Sinyukov
(Bogolyubov Institute for Theoretical Physics)
Iurii Karpenko