Wei Li
(Shanghai Institute of Applied Physics)
RHIC measurement on non-photonic electrons from heavy quark decays shows similar suppression as light hadrons at high $p_{T}$ in central Au+Au collisions. However, the interpretation is complicated by the combined contributions from charm and bottom decays. Non-photonic electron and charged hadron azimuthal correlation has been used as a powerful tool to disentangle charm and bottom contributions at $\sqrt{s}$ = 200 GeV up to $p_{T}$ ~ 9 GeV/c. Combining the non-photonic electron $R_{AA}$ and the relative bottom decay
contribution in $p+p$ collisions suggests the bottom decay electrons are also suppressed in central Au+Au collisions.
We will report the preliminary results of non-photonic electron and charged hadron azimuthal correlation at midrapidity for $6.5 $<$ $p_T$ $<$ 12.5$ GeV/c in run 2009 p+p collisions at $\sqrt{s}$=500 GeV at RHIC.
The correlation distributions are compared with PYTHIA simulations to
extract the bottom relative contribution to non-photonic electrons. The comparison between 200 GeV and 500 GeV results will deepen our understanding on the heavy flavor production at RHIC.
Wei Li
(Shanghai Institute of Applied Physics)