May 22 – 28, 2011
Centre Bonlieu
Europe/Zurich timezone

Characterizing quark gluon plasma by Heavy Flavors

Not scheduled
Théâtre National (Centre Bonlieu)

Théâtre National

Centre Bonlieu

Poster Heavy flavor and quarkonia production


santosh K das (Variable Energy Cyclotron Centre)


The drag and diffusion coefficients of charm and bottom quarks propagating through quark gluon plasma (QGP) have been evaluated for conditions relevant to nuclear collisions at Large Hadron Collider (LHC) and at Relativistic Heavy Ion Collision (RHIC). The dead cone and Landau-Pomeronchuk-Migdal (LPM) effects on radiative energy loss of heavy quarks have been considered. Both radiative and collisional processes of energy loss are included in the {\it effective} drag and diffusion coefficients. With these effective transport coefficients we solve the Fokker Plank (FP) equation for the heavy quarks executing Brownian motion in the QGP. The solution of the FP equation has been used to evaluate the nuclear suppression factor, $R_{\mathrm AA}$ and elliptic flow $v_2 $ for the non-photonic single electron spectra resulting from the semi-leptonic decays of hadrons containing charm and bottom quarks. It is observed that the experimental data from RHIC on $R_{\mathrm AA}$ and $v_2 $ of nonphotonic electrons can be reproduced simultaneously within the pQCD framework for the same set of input. The $R_{\mathrm AA}$ and $v_2 $ of the non-photonic electron from heavy meson decays produced in nuclear collisions at LHC and low energy RHIC run have also been predicted.The effects of mass on $R_{\mathrm AA}$ has also been highlighted.


santosh K das (Variable Energy Cyclotron Centre)


Jan-e Alam (Variable Energy Cyclotron Centre)

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