Paraskevi Ganoti
(Oak Ridge National Laboratory)
The measured π0 production spectrum in p+p collisions at 7 TeV (2010 data), where both photons are reconstructed in the ALICE EMCal, will be presented. An accurate measurement of the π 0 production spectrum requires a thorough understanding of the response of the ALICE EMCal. The details of the analysis are
described, including comparisons with Monte Carlo simulations of the EMCal response, in terms of energy non-linearity and resolution, as measured in test beam data. The effect of photon conversions in the material in front of the EMCal in ALICE on the pT dependence of the π 0 mass and the π 0 reconstruction efficiency will also be discussed. The various fundamental corrections and associated systematic errors, as determined by Monte Carlo simulations will be described and summarized.
Paraskevi Ganoti
(Oak Ridge National Laboratory)