Transition temperature and the equation of state from lattice QCD, Wuppertal-Budapest results

24 May 2011, 15:40
Salon Haendel AB (Imperial Palace)

Salon Haendel AB

Imperial Palace

Allée Impérial 74000 Annecy, France Tél. : +33 4 50 09 30 00
Parallel QCD phase diagram QCD Phase diagram


Zoltan Fodor (BUW)


The QCD transition is studied on lattices up to Nt=16. The strange susceptibility the chiral condensate and the renormalized Polyakov loops are presented. The equation of state is determined on lattice with Nt-6,8,10 and at some temperature values with Nt=12. The pressure, the trace anomaly, the energy and entropy density and the speed of sound are presented as functions of the temperature in the range 100 ...1000 MeV . We give estimates for the pion mass dependence and for the contribution of the charm quark. We compare our data to the equation of state obtained by the "hotQCD" collaboration.



Antal Jakovac (Budapest Technical University) Christian Holbling (BUW) Gergely Endrodi (University of Regensburg) Kalman Szabo (BUW) Sandor Katz (ELTE) Stefan Krieg (BUW) Szabolcs Borsanyi (BUW)

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