Non-extensive Statistical Approach to Fragmentation

Not scheduled
Théâtre National (Centre Bonlieu)

Théâtre National

Centre Bonlieu

Board: 6
Poster Jets


Karoly Uermoessy (Dept. for Theor. Phys., ELTE; Research Institute for Particle and Nuclear Physics (KFKI))


The first part of this talk presents a possible statistical physical description of hadron production in electron-positron collisions. The main idea of the model is that hadrons produced inside a jet may be considered as a microcanonical ensemble, with multiplicity fluctuating event by event. The obtained hadron spectrum is in good agreement with measured fragmentation functions [1]. Furthermore, at low energies, the above hadron spectrum coincides with the Tsallis distribution, which gives good fittings to hadron spectra stemming from proton-proton and nucleus-nucleus collisions. In the second part of the talk, I provide mathematical proof for the energence of the Tsallis distribution in systems with special interactions, and present results of a parton collision cascade simulation based on these interactions [2]. [1] Karoly Urmossy, Gergely Gabor Barnafoldi, Tamas Sandor Biro, Generalised Tsallis Statistics in Electron-Positron Collisions arXiv:1101.3023 (Submitted to PLB) [2] Karoly Urmossy, Tamas S. Biro, Gergely G. Barnaföldi Pion Production Via Resonance Decay in a Non-extensive Quark-Gluon Medium with Non-additive Energy Composition Rule arXiv:1101.3522 (Proceedings of Hot and Cold Baryonic Matter 2010)


Karoly Uermoessy (Dept. for Theor. Phys., ELTE; Research Institute for Particle and Nuclear Physics (KFKI))


Dr Gergely Gabor Barnafoldi (Research Institute for Particle and Nuclear Physics (KFKI)) Prof. Tamas Sandor Biro (Research Institute for Particle and Nuclear Physics (KFKI))

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