Thomas Ullrich
(Brookhaven National Laboratory)
The probing of nuclei and nucleons via deep-inelastic and diffractive processes in the high-energy (low-x) regime will open a new precision window for the investigation of the gluonic structure of matter.
Studies of e+p collisions at HERA and especially d+Au collisions at RHIC have found tantalizing hints of saturated gluon densities, a phenomenon with substantial impact on the physics of heavy-ion collisions. Unveiling the collective behavior of densely packed gluons under conditions where their self-interactions dominate will require an Electron-Ion Collider (EIC): a new facility with capabilities well beyond those of any existing accelerator. Such a collider could be sited either at BNL or JLAB.
In my talk I will outline the compelling physics case for e+A collisions with a focus on the opportunities for small-x physics. I will discuss the related key measurements and give a brief status of machine concepts, detector design, and timeline.
Primary author
Thomas Ullrich
(Brookhaven National Laboratory)