Barbara Betz
(Columbia University)
We use (3+1)-dimensional hydrodynamic simulations to describe
the propagation of a jet through an opaque medium and to investigate
the underlying jet-medium interactions. We discuss that the
double-peaked structure seen in the two-particle correlations
measured at the Relativistic Heavy Ion Collider (RHIC), suggested as a signal for the creation of a Mach cone, can arise due to the averaging over many events in a transversally expanding background. We find that the jet-induced away-side yields are quite insensitive to different energy and momentum loss scenarios, different jet velocities, and system sizes. Our claim can be experimentally distinguished from a 'true' Mach cone by analyzing hard-soft correlations induced by heavy-flavor jets, in particular
by verifying that the double-peak structure stays the same even
if the heavy quarks move subsonically.
Barbara Betz
(Columbia University)
Dirk-H. Rischke
(Frankfurt University)
Giorgio Torrieri
(Frankfurt Institute for Advanced Studies)
Jorge Noronha
(Columbia University)
Miklos Gyulassy
(Columbia University)