Pre-equilibrium and initial state
- Carlos Pajares (Unknown)
Marcus Bluhm
(Laboratoire SUBATECH)
5/26/11, 3:00 PM
The strong quenching of jets and the suppression of hadron spectra
at high transverse momenta are striking experimental observations
made in high energy nuclear collisions. Both have been interpreted
as signature for the formation of a deconfined plasma of QCD
matter, in which partons suffer a medium-induced energy loss. In
theoretical studies devoted to a parton's radiative energy...
Raju Venugopalan
(Brookhaven National Laboratory)
5/26/11, 3:20 PM
Pre-equilibrium and initial state physics
We discuss an ab initio computation of the initial spectrum of fluctuations in the pre-equilibrium Glasma formed in heavy ion collisions [1]. Our result resums to all loop orders the leading unstable quantum fluctuations at early times. We showed explicitly previously for a scalar field theory [2] that averaging over the analogous spectrum of initial fluctuations leads to hydrodynamic...
Mickey Chiu
(Brookhaven National Lab)
5/26/11, 3:40 PM
Pre-equilibrium and initial state physics
RHIC experiments have observed that inclusive hadron yields in
the forward rapidity (deuteron) direction for $\sqrt{s_{NN}} = 200$
GeV d+Au collisions are suppressed relative to p+p collisions.
The mechanism for the suppression has not been firmly established;
theoretical descriptions include nuclear shadowing, initial-state parton energy loss, and gluon saturation. We present...
Hannah Petersen
(Duke University)
5/26/11, 4:00 PM
Pre-equilibrium and initial state physics
This talk will discuss how triangular flow measurements in Pb+Pb collisions at
the LHC can be used to constrain the origin of initial state fluctuations. We
explore the energy dependence of elliptic and triangular flow within a
(3+1)-dimensional hybrid framework starting from a non-equilibrium initial state
with event-by-event fluctuations and including an ideal hydrodynamical...
Frederique Grassi
(Instituto de Fisica-Universidade de Sao Paulo)
5/26/11, 4:20 PM
Correlations and fluctuations
Relativistic nuclear collisions data on two-particle correlations exhibit structures as function of relative azimuthal angle and rapidity. A unified description of these near-side and awayside structures is proposed for low to moderate transverse momentum. It is based on the combined effect of tubular initial conditions and hydrodynamical expansion.
A 3+1 hydrodynamic approach with...
Paloma Quiroga Arias
(LPTHE , UPMC Univ. Paris 6)
5/26/11, 4:40 PM
Pre-equilibrium and initial state physics
Recent developments in the computation of the NLO improvement for non-linear QCD evolution equations has allowed, for the first time, for the consistent description of experimental data using a first principle approach. In particular, the Balitsky-Kovchegov equation including running coupling effects (rcBK) has been shown to provide an excellent global description of inclusive DIS data.
Hirotsugu Fujii
(University of Tokyo)
5/26/11, 5:00 PM
Pre-equilibrium and initial state physics
A color glass condensate (CGC) model for particle productions at collider energies is confronted with the data at RHIC and LHC. When applying the CGC picture to high-energy scatterings at LHC (or higher) energies, we need to include the effects of the running coupling and the transverse expansion of the colliding hadrons. These two are appropriately incorporated here. Main features of our...