Conveners of sessions
A.- Hadron Structure:
Conveners: Michel Guidal (IPN-Orsay, France), Marat Siddikov (UTFSM, Chile)
B.- Hadron spectroscopy:
Conveners: Yu Jia (IHEP, China), Elton Smith (JLab, USA)
C.- Lattice QCD and other non-perturbative methods:
Conveners: Tereza Mendes (IFSC/Sao Paulo, BR), Georg von Hippel (Mainz, Germany)
D.- Hot and dense partonic matter:
Conveners: Peter Petreczky (BNL, USA), Karel Safarik (CERN)
E.- Quarks and gluons in the nuclear medium:
Conveners: Kawtar Hafidi (ANL, USA), Gastao Krein (IFT/Sao Paolo, BR)
F.- Effective field theories and QNP:
Conveners: Ignazio Scimemi (Madrid, Spain), York Schroder (Universidad del Biobio, Chile)