Indico celebrates its 20th anniversary! Check our blog post for more information!

Seventh International Conference on Quarks and Nuclear Physics


QNP2015 - Universidad Técnica Federico Santa María


QNP2015 is the Seventh International Conference devoted to Quarks and Nuclear Physics.


It is anticipated that QCD practitioners, both experimentalists and theorists, will gather at the Universidad Técnica Federico Santa María, in Valparaíso, Chile during the week of March 2, 2015 to present and discuss the latest advances in the field.


The following topics will be covered:

  • Quarks and gluons content of nucleons and nuclei
  • Hadron spectroscopy
  • Non-perturbative methods in QCD (including lattice calculations)
  • Effective field theories
  • Nuclear matter under extreme conditions
  • Nuclear medium


Registration Fee*:     

250.000  CLP 400,00 USD      350,00  EUR


The registration fee has to be paid in cash upon arrival.

  • Abrar Ahmad
  • Adam Swaim
  • Adam Szabelski
  • Aftab Ahmad
  • Ahmed El Alaoui
  • Ahmed Qamesh
  • Ailin Zhang
  • Alejandro Acuña
  • Alejandro Ayala
  • Alfredo Vega
  • Amir Rezaeian
  • Amit Badola
  • Ana Elena Dumitriu
  • Ana Julia Mizher
  • Andrea Alici
  • André Walker-Loud
  • Apostolos PANAGIOTOU
  • Boris Grube
  • Boris Kopeliovich
  • Carl Gagliardi
  • Carlos Contreras
  • Claudio Ciofi degli Atti
  • Claudio Dib
  • Craig Roberts
  • Cristian Villavicencio
  • Cynthia Keppel
  • Dagmara Rozpedzik
  • David Mack
  • DeepShikha Modhgill
  • Derek Leinweber
  • Edouard Kistenev
  • Eigo Shintani
  • Emanuele Roberto Nocera
  • Evgeny Zabrodin
  • Fatma Aydogmus
  • Francois-Xavier Girod
  • Franziska Hagelstein
  • Gastao Krein
  • Georg von Hippel
  • Gorazd Cvetic
  • Govinda Adhikari
  • Grigor Khachatryan
  • Guy De Teramond
  • György Wolf
  • Hayk Hakobyan
  • Hector Martinez
  • Heinz Clement
  • Hrayr Matevosyan
  • Hyeon-Dong Son
  • Hyon-Suk Jo
  • Isaac Vidaña
  • Ivan Schmidt
  • Jacek Rozynek
  • Jan Nemchik
  • Javier Castillo Castellanos
  • Joachim Bartels
  • Johan Bijnens
  • Jonathan Miller
  • Jorge David Castaño Yepes
  • Juan Cristóbal Rojas
  • Kalyan Dey
  • Kamal Seth
  • Khandmaa Oyunzendem
  • Lata Thakur
  • M.Beatriz Gay Ducati
  • Manan Shah
  • Marat Siddikov
  • Marcelo Loewe
  • Marcio Woitek
  • Maria Naeem
  • Mark Anderson
  • Mark Richard J. Williams
  • Michel Garçon
  • Mikhail Voloshin
  • Mohammad Alhakami
  • Mohammad Darehmoradi
  • Mohammad Hattawy
  • Muhammad Sohail
  • Nicole Kelly
  • Nikolaos Sparveris
  • Olena Samodina
  • Or Hen
  • Oscar Aravena
  • Paul Sorensen
  • Raju Venugopalan
  • Raphael Dupre
  • Robert McKeown
  • Roberto Mussa
  • Roger Rodrigo Galindo
  • Roman Pasechnik
  • Sergey Kuleshov
  • Sevda Rzayeva
  • Shailesh Singh
  • Shankar Adhikari
  • Sharda Pandey
  • Sonny Mantry
  • Stanley J. Brodsky
  • Susan Gardner
  • Tarek Ali
  • Tereza Mendes
  • Timothy Raben
  • Tobiasz Czopowicz
  • Tomofumi Nagae
  • Valery Kubarovsky
  • Victor Kashevarov
  • Vladimir Kopeliovich
  • Volker Crede
  • William K. Brooks
  • Xianwei Kang
  • Yiota Foka
  • Yogesh Kumar
  • Yu Jia
  • Yubing Dong
  • Zalak Marfatia
  • Zein-Eddine Meziani
  • Zisis Papandreou
  • Zoltan Fodor
    • 08:40
      Bus departure from San Martin hotel HSM - 3 Poniente - Calla Stop

      HSM - 3 Poniente - Calla Stop

      The bus takes about 50 minutes (stops included) from San Martin hotel to Santa Maria university and vice versa

    • 09:30
      Registration and Coffee Hall of Building A

      Hall of Building A

    • 10:40
    • 1
      Nucleon and nuclear pdf's Salón de Honor, Building A, UTFSM

      Salón de Honor, Building A, UTFSM

      Speaker: Emanuele Roberto Nocera (University of Genoa)
    • 2
      Lattice QCD and nucleon structure Salón de Honor, Building A, UTFSM

      Salón de Honor, Building A, UTFSM

      Speaker: Huey-Wen Lin (Washington University, Seattle)
    • 3
      The Nuclear Science Program at Jefferson Lab Salón de Honor, Building A, UTFSM

      Salón de Honor, Building A, UTFSM

      Speaker: Robert McKeown (Jefferson Lab)
    • 12:50
      Lunch UTFSM Restaurant, Building D

      UTFSM Restaurant, Building D

    • 4
      Hadron Physics at JPARC Salón de Honor, Building A, UTFSM

      Salón de Honor, Building A, UTFSM

      Speaker: Tomofumi Nagae (Kyoto University)
    • 5
      Probing nuclei with neutrinos Salón de Honor, Building A, UTFSM

      Salón de Honor, Building A, UTFSM

      Speaker: Jonathan Miller (UTFSM)
    • 6
      Short range correlations in nuclei and applications Salón de Honor, Building A, UTFSM

      Salón de Honor, Building A, UTFSM

      Speaker: Or HEN (Tel-Aviv University)
    • 16:20
      Coffee Break Hall of Building A

      Hall of Building A

    • 7
      d*(2380) - back to dibaryons Salón de Honor, Building A, UTFSM

      Salón de Honor, Building A, UTFSM

      Speaker: Heinz Clement (University of Tübingen)
    • 8
      Nucleon-nucleon interaction and nuclear structure on the lattice Salón de Honor, Building A, UTFSM

      Salón de Honor, Building A, UTFSM

      Speaker: André Walker-loud (William & Mary)
    • 18:05
      Reception Patio del Cañón (UTFSM)

      Patio del Cañón


    • 20:30
      Bus departure for San Martin hotel Av. Placeres, UTFSM

      Av. Placeres, UTFSM

    • 08:10
      Bus departure from San Martin hotel HSM - 3 Poniente - Calla Stop

      HSM - 3 Poniente - Calla Stop

    • 9
      Recent results in chiral effective field theories Salón de Honor, Building A, UTFSM

      Salón de Honor, Building A, UTFSM

      Speaker: Johan Bijnens (Lund University)
    • 10
      Light meson spectroscopy Salón de Honor, Building A, UTFSM

      Salón de Honor, Building A, UTFSM

      Speaker: Boris Grube (Technische Universitat Munchen)
    • 11
      Search for the critical point in the QCD phase diagram Salón de Honor, Building A, UTFSM

      Salón de Honor, Building A, UTFSM

      Speaker: Paul Sorensen (BNL)
    • 11:00
      Coffee Break Hall of Building A

      Hall of Building A

    • 12
      Generalized Parton Distributions and deep exclusive reactions Salón de Honor, Building A, UTFSM

      Salón de Honor, Building A, UTFSM

      Speaker: Francois-Xavier Girod (JLab)
    • 12:50
      Lunch UTFSM Restaurant, Building D

      UTFSM Restaurant, Building D

    • Session B: Hadron spectroscopy Salón de Honor (Building A)

      Salón de Honor

      Building A

      Convener: Yu Jia (IHEP)
      • 13
        Baryon spectroscopy at MAMI
        Speaker: Victor Kashevarov (Johannes Gutenberg-Universität)
      • 14
        A study of the new resonance \Lambda_c(2940) in the p \bar{p} \to p D^0 \bar{\Lambda}_c(2286) annihilation reaction with a hadronic molecule scenario
        Speaker: Yubing Dong (Chinese Academy of Sciences)
      • 15
        Heavy quark spectroscopy at LHCb
        Speaker: Mark Richard James Williams (CERN)
      • 16
        Inclusive charmonia production: color dipole approach vs perturbative QCD
        Speaker: Roman Pasechnik (Lund University)
    • Session C: Lattice QCD and other non-perturbative methods Auditorium Principal (Building A)

      Auditorium Principal

      Building A

      Convener: Georg von Hippel (Mainz University)
      • 17
        High statistics analysis of nucleon form factor in lattice QCD aa


        Building A

        Speaker: Eigo Shintani (Johannes Gutenberg-Universität)
      • 18
        Reggeon Field Theory and Exact Renormalization Group Auditorium Principal

        Auditorium Principal

        Building A

        Speaker: Carlos Contreras (UTFSM)
      • 19
        About the inclusion of Fock States in AdS/QCD models Auditorium Principal

        Auditorium Principal

        Building A

        Speaker: Alfredo Vega (Universidad de Valparaíso)
    • 16:00
      Coffee Break Hall of Building A

      Hall of Building A

    • Session B: Hadron spectroscopy Salón de Honor (Building A)

      Salón de Honor

      Building A

      Convener: Yu Jia (IHEP)
      • 20
        Chiral transitions with magnetic fields of low magnitude
        Speaker: Juan Cristóbal Rojas (Universidad Católica del Norte)
      • 21
        The Early Physics Program with \eta Decays in JLab's Hall D
        Speaker: David Mack (Jefferson Lab)
      • 22
        Measurements of Spin-Density Matrix Elements and the Spin Observable \Sigma for the channel \gamma p \to \rho^0 p
        Speaker: Mark Anderson (University of Glasgow)
      • 23
        Four-quark states with QCD sum rules
        Speaker: Ai-Lin Zhang (Shanghai University)
    • Session C: Lattice QCD and other non-perturbative methods Auditorium Principal (Building A)

      Auditorium Principal

      Building A

      Convener: Georg von Hippel (Mainz University)
      • 24
        Lattice Gluon Propagator as Input for a Potential Model
        Speaker: Tereza Mendes (University of Sao Paulo)
      • 25
        Decay constants of the pion and its excitations in holographic QCD
        Speaker: Gastao Krein (Universidade Estadual Paulista)
      • 26
        QCD sum rules in a magnetic background
        Speaker: Cristian Villavicencio (Universidad del Bio Bio)
      • 27
        Flux representation for effective Z(N) theories for the Polyakov loop
        Speaker: Marcio Woitek (IFT-UNESP)
    • 18:00
      Bus departure for San Martin hotel Av. Placeres, UTFSM

      Av. Placeres, UTFSM

    • 08:10
      Bus departure from San Martin hotel HSM, 3 Poniente, Calla Stop

      HSM, 3 Poniente, Calla Stop

    • 28
      QCD sum rules and heavy quark states Salón de Honor, Building A, UTFSM

      Salón de Honor, Building A, UTFSM

      Speaker: Mikhail Voloshin (University of Minnesota)
    • 29
      Hadron spectroscopy at the e+e- colliders/B factories Salón de Honor, Building A, UTFSM

      Salón de Honor, Building A, UTFSM

      Speaker: Roberto Mussa (INFN Torino)
    • 30
      Color Propagation and Neutralization in Strongly Interacting Systems Salón de Honor, Building A, UTFSM

      Salón de Honor, Building A, UTFSM

      Speaker: Raphael Dupre (IPN Orsay)
    • 11:00
      Coffee Break Hall of Building A

      Hall of Building A

    • 31
      Quarkonium suppression in heavy ion collisions Salón de Honor, Building A, UTFSM

      Salón de Honor, Building A, UTFSM

      Speaker: Javier Castillo Castellanos (SPhN-Saclay)
    • 32
      LQCD at T=0 and at finite temperature and density Salón de Honor, Building A, UTFSM

      Salón de Honor, Building A, UTFSM

      Speaker: Zoltan Fodor (Wüppertal, Jülich and Budapest)
    • 12:50
      Lunch UTFSM Restaurant, Building D

      UTFSM Restaurant, Building D

    • 33
      Overview of RHIC and LHC results on heavy ion collisions Salón de Honor, Building A, UTFSM

      Salón de Honor, Building A, UTFSM

      Speaker: Yiota FOKA (GSI and CERN)
    • 34
      Nucleon structure from high energy proton-proton collisions Salón de Honor, Building A, UTFSM

      Salón de Honor, Building A, UTFSM

      Speaker: Carl Gagliardi (Texas A&M University)
    • 35
      Exposing the valence-quark structure of the pion and nucleon Salón de Honor, Building A, UTFSM

      Salón de Honor, Building A, UTFSM

      Speaker: Craig Roberts (Argonne National Laboratory)
    • 16:20
      Coffee Break Hall of Building A

      Hall of Building A

    • Session D: Hot and dense partonic matter Salón de Honor (Building A)

      Salón de Honor

      Building A

      Convener: Tereza Mendes (Sao Paulo University)
      • 36
        Thermal photon production in relativistic heavy ion collisions with a magnetic background
        Speaker: Ana Julia Mizher (Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Mexico)
      • 37
        The nucleon PDF inside dense nuclear medium
        Speaker: Jacek Rozynek (NCBJ, Warsaw)
      • 38
        "Buddha's Light" of cumulative particles
        Speaker: Vladimir Kopeliovich (Institute for Nuclear Research of RAS, Moscow)
    • Session F: Effective field theories and QNP Auditorium Principal (Building A)

      Auditorium Principal

      Building A

      • 39
        Chiral phase transition in an extended linear sigma model
        Speaker: György Wolf (Wigner Research Center for Physics)
      • 40
        Deuteron photodisintegration and n-p capture within the Chiral Effective Field Theory
        Speaker: Dagmara Rozpedzik (Jagiellonian University)
      • 41
        Leading logarithms for the nucleon mass
        Speaker: Johan Bijnens (Lund University)
      • 42
        Phenomenology of the heavy quarkonium E1 transition
        Speaker: Hector Martinez (Technische Universität München)
    • 18:00
      Bus departure for San Martin hotel A. Placeres, UTFSM

      A. Placeres, UTFSM

    • 08:10
      Bus departure from San Martin hotel HSM - 3 Poniente - Calla Stop

      HSM - 3 Poniente - Calla Stop

    • 43
      Light baryon spectroscopy Salón de Honor, Building A, UTFSM

      Salón de Honor, Building A, UTFSM

      Speaker: Volker Crede (Florida State University)
    • 44
      Meson and baryon spectra from the lattice Salón de Honor, Building A, UTFSM

      Salón de Honor, Building A, UTFSM

      Speaker: Derek Leinweber (University of Adelaide)
    • 45
      New Perspectives on Fundamental Symmetry Tests with Quarks Salón de Honor, Building A, UTFSM

      Salón de Honor, Building A, UTFSM

      Speaker: Susan Gardner (University of Kentucky)
    • 11:00
      Coffee Break Hall of Building A

      Hall of Building A

    • 46
      A half an hour walk through the physics of neutron stars Salón de Honor, Building A, UTFSM

      Salón de Honor, Building A, UTFSM

      Speaker: Isaac Vidana (University of Coimbra)
    • 47
      Light-Front Holography and New Advances in Non-Perturbative QCD Salón de Honor, Building A, UTFSM

      Salón de Honor, Building A, UTFSM

      Speaker: Stanley J. Brodsky (SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory, Stanford University)
    • 12:50
      Lunch UTFSM Restaurant, Building D

      UTFSM Restaurant, Building D

    • Session A: Hadron Structure Auditorium Principal (Building A)

      Auditorium Principal

      Building A

      Convener: Marat Siddikov (UTFSM)
      • 48
        Subleading effects of nucleon structure in hydrogen spectra
        Speaker: Franziska Hagelstein (Johannes Gutenberg-Universität)
      • 49
        Deeply Virtual Compton Scattering off 4He
        Speaker: Mohammad Hattawy (IPN Orsay)
      • 50
        Deeply virtual Compton scattering cross sections with CLAS and generalized parton distributions
        Speaker: Hyon-Suk Jo (IBS-CUP)
      • 51
        Deeply pseudoscalar meson production and Generalized Transversity Distributions
        Speaker: Valery Kubarovsky (Jefferson Lab)
    • Session D: Hot and dense partonic matter Salón de Honor (Building A)

      Salón de Honor

      Building A

      Convener: Gastao Krein (IFT/Sao Paolo)
      • 52
        Ridge and higher order flow harmonics as interplay of elliptic and triangular flows
        Speaker: Evgeny Zabrodin (University of Oslo)
      • 53
        Heavy mesons in a hot medium: Manifestation of absorption
        Speaker: Jan Nemchik (Czech Technical University)
      • 54
        Finite temperature quark-gluon vertex with a magnetic field in the hard thermal loop approximation
        Speaker: Marcelo Loewe (Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile)
      • 55
        RHIC Physics with sPHENIX
        Speaker: Edouard Kistenev (BNL)
    • 16:00
      Coffee Break Hall of Building A

      Hall of Building A

    • Session A: Hadron Structure Auditorium Principal (Building A)

      Auditorium Principal

      Building A

      Convener: Marat Siddikov (UTFSM)
      • 56
        Nucleon polarizabilties - present status and impact on precision physics
        Speaker: Franziska Hagelstein (Johannes Gutenberg-Universität)
      • 57
        Gluon contribution to the Sivers effect. COMPASS results
        Speaker: Adam Szabelski (National Centre for Nuclear Research, Warsaw)
      • 58
        Stability of the pion in the chiral quark model
        Speaker: Hyeon-Dong Son (Inha University)
      • 59
        Pion Electroproduction and VCS in the \Delta Resonance Region
        Speaker: Nikolaos Sparveris (Temple University)
    • Session D: Hot and dense partonic matter Salón de Honor (Building A)

      Salón de Honor

      Building A

      Convener: Gastao Krein (IFT/Sao Paolo)
      • 60
        Recent results on electroweak probes in lead-lead and proton-lead collisions from the ATLAS Detector at the LHC
        Speaker: William King Brooks (UTFSM)
      • 61
        ALICE results on open heavy-flavour production in pp, p-Pb and Pb-Pb collisions at the LHC
        Speaker: Andrea Alici (Centro Studi e Ricerche Enrico Fermi)
      • 62
        News from NA61/SHINE
        Speaker: Tobiasz Czopowicz (Warsaw University of Technology)
      • 63
        AdS/CFT, Confinement Deformation, and DIS at Small-x
        Speaker: Timothy Raben
    • 18:00
      Bus departure for San Martin hotel Av. Placeres, UTFSM

      Av. Placeres, UTFSM

    • 20:00
      Conference dinner Chez Gerald - Av. Perú 496 (corner 6 Norte) (Viña del Mar, Chile)

      Chez Gerald - Av. Perú 496 (corner 6 Norte)

      Viña del Mar, Chile

    • 08:30
      Bus departure from San Martin hotel HSM - 3 Poniente - Calla Stop

      HSM - 3 Poniente - Calla Stop

    • 64
      Applications of Light-Front Superconformal Quantum Mechanics to Hadronic Physics Salón de Honor, Building A, UTFSM

      Salón de Honor, Building A, UTFSM

      Speaker: Guy de Teramond (University of Costa-Rica)
    • 65
      HEP phenomenology with nuclear targets Salón de Honor, Building A, UTFSM

      Salón de Honor, Building A, UTFSM

      Speaker: Maria Beatriz Gay Ducati (UFRGS, Porto Alegre)
    • 11:00
      Coffee Break Hall of Building A

      Hall of Building A

    • 66
      Transverse Momentum Distributions Salón de Honor, Building A, UTFSM

      Salón de Honor, Building A, UTFSM

      Speaker: Hrayr Matevosyan (University of Adelaide)
    • 67
      Small-x physics: CGC in heavy-ion collisions and saturation in e-A Salón de Honor, Building A, UTFSM

      Salón de Honor, Building A, UTFSM

      Speaker: Raju Venugopalan (BNL)
    • 12:50
      Lunch UTFSM Restaurant, Building D

      UTFSM Restaurant, Building D

    • 68
      Soft-Collinear Effective Theory: overview and applications Salón de Honor, Building A, UTFSM

      Salón de Honor, Building A, UTFSM

      Speaker: Sonny Mantry (University of North Georgia)
    • 69
      The Electron-Ion Collider project Salón de Honor, Building A, UTFSM

      Salón de Honor, Building A, UTFSM

      Speaker: Zein-Eddine Meziani (Temple University)
    • 70
      Concluding remarks Salón de Honor, Building A, UTFSM

      Salón de Honor, Building A, UTFSM

      Speaker: M. Garçon, B. Kopeliovich (SPhN-Saclay, UTFSM)
    • 16:20
      Adjourn - end of scientific program
    • 16:25
      Bus departure for San Martin hotel Av. Placeres, UTFSM

      Av. Placeres, UTFSM